Chapter 4~ Lunch Chaos.

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Avalon's P.O.V


I never knew Hunter was in my biology class.

River was in my art class and Aiden was in my Spanish class, the other classes i shared with Beverly or myself with few people to talk to.

He was on his phone under the desk completely uninterested in the teachers lesson.

Somehow it was bothering me. I mean, he was sitting right next to me not even trying to listen.

I sigh.

"Hunter," I whisper his name.

He doesn't reply. Just continue to type on his phone.

"Hunter," I say a little louder so only he could hear me.

He looks at me with his blue eyes. He looked very annoyed.

"What?" He snaps clearly getting agitated that I'm talking to him

"You should get off your phone and pay attention," I whisper.

He rolls his eyes, "why? This is boring."

"Hunter. Avalon. Is there something you would like to share with the class?" Mr. Williams asks us which causes the class to turn our way.

I shake my head, "no sir."


"I hate him. I fucking hate him," Beverly spits as she drops he lunch on the table and angrily sits down.

I give her a confused look, "What happened?"

She showed me her arm, it had a dark purple bruise on it.

"Who did this?" I question as I examine it.

"Chris! He got so angry because I was talking to River," she hisses.

"Why did you let him do this?" I ask her.

"I couldn't get away, he practically pinned me against the wall," she says.

"And River didn't help you?" I ask.

"I forced him to leave because he was about to explode," she says.

Oh heck no. I grab my half drinkin milk shake and stand up, only for Beverly to grab my arm.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"To show him a piece of my mind," I say before walking over to the table where he sat. He sat with Aiden and the football players along with some cheer leaders.

"Hey!" I caught his attention along with everyone else's.

Suddenly, I found myself tossing my milkshake on him. He jumped up in surprise and a lot of people gasped as they covered their mouths.

"What the fuck was that for!?" He shouts at me.

"For hurting my best friend you asshole!" I shout back and by now, everyone was looking.

Omg! I just swore. I just freaking swore.

"You dumb bitch!" He says as he charges at me. That's when Aiden jumped in the front blocking my view from him.

"Don't even think about it," Aiden says sternly.

"She threw her fucking milkshake on me!" He says. Chris was practically blowing steam from his ears.

"Maybe you deserved it," Aiden said.

Suddenly Chris shoved Aiden causing him to stumble back.

Then Aiden cocked his fist back and swung it against Chris's face which made him fall back and get on top of him.

I stood there in horror. I never seen this side of him. It was scary and frankly... hot.

What? Don't judge me.

The whole cafeteria were gathered around, their phones out recording and chanting fight! fight! fight!

I sighed. This was caused by me. I glanced over to Hunter and River who had finally got up and managed to pull Aiden off of Chris.

"Dude, chill," Hunter told Aiden as he shoved him back, "You can't get into trouble anymore."


Aiden looked at Chris with a murderous look.

Hunter looked at me with pleasing eyes, "can you take him anywhere but here?"

I nod my head and grab Aidens hand. He looked at me as I guided him through the crowd and out into the hallway. Chris managed to get in a couple punches, Aiden had a busted lip and a scar above his left eyebrow.

Why does he look so hot?

I cross my arms, "What the heck Aiden?"

He shrugs as he touches his lip that was now bleeding. I walked towards him and pulled his hand down as I examined his lips.

"It hurts. Mind kissing them to make them better?" Aiden smirks.

I playfully roll my eyes, "no."

"Can you play doctor and fix me up?" I look up into his green eyes.

"I guess."


He flinches as the alcohol touches the bruise.

"See what happens when you fight?" I say as I dab it again.

"I had to protect you," he tells me in a soft voice.

I smile. The fact that he didn't want to see me get hurt really warms my heart.

Shut up Avalon! I need to get a hold of myself.

"I can protect myself Aiden," I tell him as I toss the cotton ball in the trash. I close the first aid kit and put it back in the cupboards in my kitchen.

Once I turned around I was faces with Aiden. My back hit the counter as he put his arms on either side of me; trapping me.

His scent filled my nose, it smell of vanilla and caramel.

I looked into his eyes as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

He makes me nervous.

"Do I make you nervous butter cup?" He asks as if he was reading my thoughts.

Yes. "No."

"Then you wouldn't mind I did this," he says and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

Crap! He knows exactly what he's doing.

Then he leans his face down almost touching my lips. I could feel his hot breath fan on my lips.

Suddenly as if on cue, the door opened and my mother came in with bags.

She looked at us in confusion. I would be too if I found my daughter in the kitchen with a boy as if they were about to do the business.

"I didn't know you had company," she says with a smile.

Get ready for the lecture Avalon.

Aiden smiles as he turns to face me, "I'll see you tomorrow butter cup."

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