Chapter 33~ Jumps.

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Avalon's P.O.V

"Omg Avalon, I got your costume for tonight's Halloween party," Beverly chirps as she sits down at the lunch table with us.

"Can I see it?" I ask as I sip my milkshake.

This is literally the only thing I get for lunch.

"No. It's a surprise, you'll have to see it tonight and your getting dressed at my house," Beverly says firmly.

River snorts, "looks like Aiden won't be getting laid tonight."

Aiden rolls his eyes before smacking River in the back of his head.

"Ouch," he pouts rubbing his head.

"Hey! Man stealer!" Someone shouted.

We all turned and saw Chandler angrily walking towards us. I was in no mood to talk to her. I just wanted to drink my milkshake and talk with my friends.

Is that so much to ask for?

"Who do you think you are?" She says once she's in front of me, a hand on her hip.

"What are you talking about?" I ask clearly confused.

"Don't think I haven't forgotten your little accident at the rink," she sneers.

"Chandler, that was like a week ago," Aiden rolls his eyes.

Her icy blue eyes shot at Aiden, "was I talking to you? I'm talking to the girl who clearly doesn't know what the word manners mean."

"Uh... excuse me but you were the one who called her a man stealer," Beverly jumped in.

Chandler rolled her eyes ignoring her comment.

"You think that you could just walk in this school and act like you own the place," she says as she glare at me.

The whole cafeteria was staring.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shout at her.

"Nothing," she smirks.

Then, she snatched my milk shake from my hand and before I could even react, she poured the remains on top of me.

I sat there, frozen in my seat unable of what to do.

"Now you know what it feels like to have liquid all over you," she sneers.

Beverly got up and tried to charge at her but River grabbed her by her waist.

"Let me go! Let me pull out those hair tracks in your hair, you ruthless bitch!" Beverly shout as she struggled to get out of Rivers grip.

My favorite milkshake ran down my face. I was beyond embarrassed. A tear sprung my eye as I jumped from my seat and ran to the bathroom.

I let out my tears.

This girl was seriously crazy. She purposely did this while mine was an accident. My cheeks hurt, my body hurt, my head is starting to hurt.

I felt humiliated.

"Butter cup," Aidens soft voice came into ear shot.

"Go away," I sob.

He walks into the bathroom with sympathy in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"Do I look okay?! I'm wearing my favorite milkshake what the fuck is so fun about that," I snap.

He was taken aback by my outburst, but he understood the state I was in.

Aiden pulled me into a hug.

"Lets go somewhere."

And this time, I agreed without hesitation.


"This place again?" I ask Aiden as he drags me to the place he jumped off of. His favorite place.

"I figured it would take your mind off things," he shrugs.

Aiden helped me get cleaned up in the bathroom and we exit out the school without looking back.

"I'm sorry she did that to you," Aiden says as he looks down.

"It's fine, it isn't your fault," I reassure him.

The air was cold and the sky was a pretty blue. The clouds were in different shapes and sizes.

"Would you jump with me?" Aiden suddenly asks.

I give him a confused look, "Your kidding right?"

"Not at all," he says, "I want you to jump with me."

"But, Aiden. It's cold and you know that my body is sore," I pout.

"That's what cold water is for, it relaxes your muscles," he smiles.

"I thought that was only for hot water," I say.

"Same thing," he laughs, "please."

I look down at the water, no signs of rocks, or sharks.

"What if they're sharks?" I ask and take a step back.

"That's why I'm here, so I can fight them off," he smirks before taking his clothes off.

He was left in his boxers.

"Live a little," he says before jumping off.

I heard him scream and his body hit the water with a splash. I ran to the edge looking over.

"The water is great!" He shouts as he pushes his hair back.

I sigh before pulling my shirt over my head and sliding out my pants.

"Lord please let me live," I pray before I do a dash off the cliff.

It feels like I'm flying for a moment before the cold water hits my body. A smile appears on my face as I surface the area.

"You did it!" Aiden cheered.

I threw my arms in the air, "I did!"

He swam close to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his chest.

Aiden smiled before crashing his lips on mine.


In a hurry, sorry for the grammar, didn't have time to check.

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