Chapter 13~ Chrismella and New People.

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Avalon's P.O.V

I was such in a rush to get home, I had no idea why. I guess it's because I had spend time with Aiden and Chandler completely told me to stay away from him without being direct.

The girl has issues.

Even though everyone knew she was talking about Aiden, no one was bold enough to call her out.

That was until something caught my eyes. Two people making out against a red car.

Chris and Carmella. Are you serious! He can't stay with one girl for a day.

I was beyond furious, but I wasn't gonna ruin their moment. As I just about to avert my eyes they pulled away and they looked at me.

"Are you enjoying the view?" Chris sneered.

He can't forget that I was the one who dumped my milkshake on him...

"Hardly. That is absolutely disgusting," I say before I could stop myself.

My eyes slightly widned but I quickly composed myself. It was supposed to be directed to Chris but I guess Carmella took it kinda offensive too.

"Don't be upset because Aiden doesn't want you," she sneers and that's when my eyes widened.

Did she-- did she really just go there?

"I could care less," I scoff.

"Then why don't you scurry along and leave me and my boyfriend alone," she says.

Boyfriend? Boyfriend?!

You've got to be kidding.

Not wanting to argue with this poor girl, I excuse myself into my car and drive off.

Once I got home I noticed an unfamiliar car in the driveway.

"Family?" I ask myself, hoping I'm right.

As I turn the knob and close the door, Stormy comes running up to me excitedly wagging his tail.

"I missed you to buddy," I scratch behind his ear.

"Oh hey hun," my mom walks in with a huge smile on her face, "I want you to meet Tyler."

Tyler. A guy steps from the living room. He has dark hair and a grey beard with blue eyes. Tyler looked way to old for my mother.

Her light brown hair was flowing softly down her back and her hazel eyes bright, she looks happy.

"Hi Avalon, it's so nice to finally meet you," he smiles. It wasn't warming at all.

Something about this guy gives me the serious creeps, I can't pinpoint it but I know something is up with him.

I plaster a fake smile on my face, "hi."

"Your mother has told me a lot about you," he comments as he chuckles deeply.

I shift uneasy. Stormy looked tense, as if he were thinking the same thing I was.

"Even the hot boyfriend," my mom wiggled her eyebrows.


"Aiden, right?" He glances at my mother and she nods her head.

"Uh... he isn't my boyfriend. We're just friends," I say awkwardly. I wasn't sure to call us friends.

Before they could say anything else, I hurried up the stairs with Stormy behind me and closed my door.

"Who is that guy?" I question.

Stormy pouts before jumping on my bed and getting comfortable.

"I feel the same bud."


"... and maybe we could get laid," Beverly says as I grab my Spanish book not even paying attention to what she said.

My mind was still focused on Tyler...

"What was that Bev?" I ask.

She sighs, "have you not been paying attention at all?"

"Is it that obvious?" I ask.

"I said. Your coming to this party with me whether you like it or not and maybe we could get laid?" She repeats herself.

"Laid? I don't I'll ever get laid," I reply as I close my locker.

"Don't sound so sure of yourself sugar," River says casually walking up with a smile on his face.

Beverly rolls her eyes, "aren't you supposed to be with your best friends?"

"But I thought you guys were my best friends," River pouts.

"You thought wrong honey," Beverly says.

I laugh, "I'm your best friend River."

He smiled. Beverly faked a gasp and puts her hand over her heart as if she's hurt.

"Y-you betrayed me," she says.

I laugh as I throw my arm around her shoulders, "Your still my favorite person."

That's when River gasps and puts his hand over his heart, "y-you betrayed me." He says in the same voice Beverly did.

"I can't have two favorite people!" I say.

"But you can have two best friends," River smirks.

"And I'm her number one," Beverly sneers before softly nudging his shoulder and walking away with me.

Isn't this this life?

Two people fighting over you.


I introduce Tyler. The mysterious man who has stolen the heart of Avalon's mother.

Pay close attention to him because he's also a very important character in this story.

Tell me who you think Tyler is.

Please vote, comment, and share. I would love to hear your feedback from you guys.


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