Chapter 14~ Tears and Party Plans.

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Avalon's P.O.V

"Crap!" I hiss as I harshly pull into the school parking lot.

I was late. So late, my freaking alarm didn't even go off this morning and that caused me to be late. I rushed to brush my teeth not even thinking about a shower and just left in a hurry.

There were barley any people in the hallways since everyone was in class by now.

I had to stop by my locker and the bathroom since I had to use it so bad and I didn't have enough since mom was hogging it.

She has her own bathroom.

Once I grab everything I needed for class I walked into the bathroom only to hear weeps and sobs.

Is someone crying?

I heard a girl sniffle as she rolled toilet tissue from the roll and blew her nose in it. She was locked in a stall.

"Hello?" I stupidly called out.

That's when it got silent. I stood frozen in the middle of the bathroom floor.

"Go away," she spoke back and that voice seemed very familiar.

"Chandler?" I question. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

She stepped out the stall. Her eyes were red and puffy and black mascara was smeared down her cheeks, her blonde hair was a mess and her cheek was the slightest bit of purple.

"Are you okay?" I ask taking a step closer.

She backed away, putting her hands out in front of her.

"What are you even doing in here? Shouldn't you be in class?" She asks, a hand on her hip.

Chandler was always so confident but yet she looked like a wreck.

I was never a person to have such a cold heart. It killed me whenever I saw people cry, even if they hate me. But I can't help the fact that I am an extreme softy when it comes to tears.

What is wrong with her?

"Look," I started, wanting to make peace with her, "I know we got off on the wrong foot but maybe we could start over. As friends?"

Believe me, I had no idea what the heck I was doing. I probably looked crazy in her eyes but I was genuinely serious.

"Are you kidding me?!" She spat, catching me off guard. "You stole the only boy I ever liked and you want to be friends with me?"


"Aiden? I did not steal him away from you. If anything, he was growing tired of you," I spit back not able to hold in my anger.

This girl has some nerve. I didn't even know I was stealing Aiden away from her. In my defense, i barely even liked the guy.

Even... If we did kiss.

But that isn't the point.

"He liked me until you came along and purposely bumped into him just so you could catch his attention," she sneered.

At first, I felt sorry for the girl but she could get bear up and I wouldn't even care. She was being cruel and heartless at the moment.

"What? I don't see no interest in the guy-"

"Bullshit Avalon!" She interrupt me before stepping closer.

"I. Don't. Want. Him," I made clear. I wasn't about to fight over this guy, he wasn't even worth my freaking time.

"Then back off before you regret it," she bumped past my shoulder.

Back off before you regret it?! What does that supposed to mean?

I stood in the bathroom, no longer having to use it anymore. All I wanted to do was help the poor girl since she was crying.

But she was crying over a boy?! Aiden at that.

She's just as brainless as they come.


"So I was thinking. Maybe you could wear my red party dress," Beverly says as she sits down beside me at lunch.

Why? Why was my life so difficult now? I was a normal teenager until... Aiden came along.

And I hate to put all the blame on him but I think it's true. I haven't been this caught up before.

Chandler words still burned in my mind but Beverly hasn't took any notice which I am grateful for. I don't feel like explaining mg encounter with Chandler.

"Ladies," River chirped as he sat down across from us along with Aiden and Hunter.

I avoided my eye contact with Aiden..i did not want to see him right now. His eyes were focused on me, his stare was so intense I felt like he was burning holes through my body.

Why can't I feel those soft lips against mine again?

"Are you guys coming to the party tonight?" Beverly asks as she chews on her apple slices.

God, she loves them things.

"Duh. It's our job," River smiles.

"Job?" I question raising an eyebrow.

"Yea, we are required to attend and get drunk. If we don't show up, we are most likely ruining our reputation of getting girls," he says as he pops a fry into his mouth.

"Besides Aiden, he doesn't drink at all," River whispers the last part even though we all heard him.

Aiden rolled his eyes, "I can limit my alcohol, unlike you jackasses."

Ouch. Even that stung a bit.

Hunter lifts his head up, "except for that one time you got terribly drunk and forgot you were a dude."

"What?" I almost choked up my milkshake.

"Aiden thought he was a girl," Hunter says as he looks at me, "Even though every girl assured him that his... thing was big enough to be a boy."

I felt a feeling inside of that hated the fact that Aiden had sex with other girls and they exactly what his size was.

What was is called again?

"Gross," me and Beverly say at the same time.

Honestly, how do you forget your own gender?

Aiden held his hands in defense, "I was drunk, alright."

I rolled my eyes and continued to drink on my milkshake.

"Tonight's party is gonna be fun."


Hello my loves!

Sorry for this boring ass chapter but what do you think about Chandler crying in the bathroom.

Spoiler~ { it definitely wasn't because of Aiden }

Also this chapter is dedicated to @dark_eclipse1045  she voted on some my chapters and I really appreciate That. Love you so much.

Please vote, comment, and share. I would love to hear feedback from you guys.


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