my hands belongs in yours

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pairing: stozier

based off that one textpost

i am holding hands with a boy walking down my street. i love how his voice pitches to name each bird that flutters by. he knows them all by name, and can tell just by their chirp. i love how his smile widens looking over at me, i feel an emotion that i can only describe by his name. i feel his fingers tap into the sides of my hand, and i feel like i will melt into putty if i stop looking at him. so i don't. i'm taking in his hum, something he changes for every bird. he matches their chirp, and they respond happily. i can feel the pep in his walk as he pulls me along, and i trail behind him, no purpose in sight.

i notice a man across the street glaring at us. i point out a bird in the opposite direction, keeping him from seeing the distorted frown. i can hear the man seething from over here, and in my head i compare him to that of a mad bulldog. i hear the man say slurs i dare not repeat, and i know that has distracted both the birds and the boy. he turns around, distraught. his smile is gone, and it's replaced with shame and fear. i feel his grip on my fingers begin to fade as he looks towards the ground. i squeeze his hand to remind him i'm still here.

in my mind i think of things to shout at the man across the street but my mind goes blank. we did nothing wrong. we were just two boys laughing together at a sleepover. just two boys crying next to each other in the rain like a sappy teen movie. just two boys sharing awkward first (and second) kisses in front of sunday morning cartoons.  just two boys walking down the street pointing out birds.

as his hand intertwines with my mine more than ever starting from his pinkie down to his thumb, i smile softly. his voice pitches once again as he hears another bird chirp.  i tighten my grip on his hand slightly, letting the world know that my hand belongs in his, and has no plans on moving on.

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