{Chapter 14} Pulchritudinous

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Chapter 14~Pulchritudinous


“Morning sweetheart,” I whisper to her and her eyes flutter open, revealing the bright chocolate orbs.

“Hi, what time is it?” She asks her voice husky from sleep.

“About 7:30,” I reply, studying her. Her hair was sprawled out around her and was messy, her eyes still sleepy and her mouth shaped in a small smile. She looked beautiful. She was studying me, thinking, when she gasped, moved away from me and went stumbling back. Almost off the bed, luckily I wrapped my hand around her waist and pulled her back towards me. She muttered thanks and pushed herself off me and stood up.

“Uh, yeah, um. I’ll see you later? Yeah, I’m gonna go, laundry waiting, Mikey to do, I mean! Wait… Mikey waiting, laundry to do, yeah. Talk to you later!” She blabbered and I furrowed my eyebrows. What made her panic? Stumbling out of bed and reaching for a shirt, I followed after her. She was fast, but I play football. I catch up with her quickly and grab her arm. She jerks and punches me in the face and I went flying back, landing on my back.

Whoa! Where did that come from?

“Oh my god, Danny! Don’t do that, god I’m so sorry!” She bent over me and helped me get up. “Don’t grab my arm! God, I thought… Never mind, come on. Your face is bleeding,” she led me into the house and sat me down on the kitchen barstool. “Tsk, why the hell would you grab my arm like that?” she grabbed a first aid kit and started taking out the antiseptic.

“Maybe because you raced out of there like I told you that I murder puppies and babies for fun,” I retort and hiss at the sting. “Jeez, you hit me so hard that it bled?” I asked

“Yeah, sorry. My ring cut the side of your face,” she explained as she put the bandage over it and pecked where the bandage was. “There, all better,” she whispered and moved away, putting the first aid kit back to its spot.

“Faye, why did you run away?” I ask softly and she freezes

“Well, um, Mikey… you know I had to get back to him,” she stuttered and turned away from me.

“Don’t give me that crap and expect me to believe it, tell me what really happened,” I coax softly. And she sighs

“Did you mean it?” She whispers, tears brimming in her eyes.

“what?” I ask, slightly confused

“When you said you loved me?”

“Oh,” I say and look at the floor

“It’s okay, if you didn’t. I get it, you know,”

“Yeah I meant it,” I answer truthfully and look up in her brown eyes, widening with shock. Joy, happiness and a little hint of fear flashes through her and I smile slightly. “I meant it, Faye. I love you, I was afraid to tell you because it seemed a little fast and I thought you would freak and run, which you did. I really love you, I was planning to tell you tonight, on our date but I guess I should have spoken quieter last night.” I explained

“Oh, Danny… I’m, I mean, I’m not sure. I just started trusting you, I-“

“I know, you don’t have to feel obligated to say it back, take all the time you need, sweetheart,” I said, and relief washed over her face.

“Okay, but just promise me something, please?” she pleads and I nod, moving my face closer to hers.

“Promise me that you won’t give up on me, please don’t give up on me,” she begged and I grinned.

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