{Chapter 37} Can I Draw A Mustache On Her Face?

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5 days later

"He hasn't moved from that spot in days, I'm beyond worried," Mum's voice rang in the back of my head but my gaze and focus was fixed on the girl in front of me.

Even in death she looked like a fucking queen. Her limp hair sprawled out neatly from the way the nurse brushed and washed it. Even her deep cuts and stiches that now lined her body didn't make a difference to her natural beauty. Her pale skin contrasted with the rosy red of lipstick that Mari had put on her, and I quote she said, "She'll get pissed at me when she wakes up."

Well, I hoped that she did wake up.

"Leave him be, he needs to be with her. If we try to move him then he will breakdown," Alex says but yet again I ignore them.

"Has Mikey moved in with you?"

"Yes, and I took him clothes shopping seeing as their apartment is still under police protection, but everything I held up he just said 'no, Fayely wouldn't like it,' it broke my heart," Mum says. I hear a burst of excited voices but don't look at them.

Who could be so happy in this morbid place?

"Fayely! Waley! Baley! Wake up Fayely! I have a surprise!" Mikey skipped in and pulled something out of his bag. "See Fayely! It's River Song's sonic screwdriver! Now we have the whole set! Wake up Fayely, let's play Doctor Who! Will you play with me Fayely? It'll be fun!" He said and waved the screwdriver in front of her face but she was still. "Come on, Fayely. Let's play!"

His tone was softer and a little sadder while he fiddled with the buttons on the toy. But then he brightened up and laid down next to her, careful to avoid wires and needles. "Guess what Fayely? I saw Brayden today! He and June were playing doctor, isn't that funny? They were playing doctor in a hospital! So I played with them too! And Lili and Tommy's mummy made cookies! I slept over at their house a lot while you are sleeping, when will you wake up Fayely? When you wake up will you take me to London? I want to go to 221b Baker Street! We can find it together right? It'll be fun, you have to wake up first," he says with a frown and plays with her hair for a while before nodding off next to her.

10 days later

"Do you think I could draw a mustache on her face?" J.C asked, fingering the sharpie in his hand and then earned a slap to the back of his head from Haley.

"Danny, come on man. Go get something to eat, we will watch her, promise," Riley patted my back but I didn't even look at him.

All of us were crowded into the hospital room, Me, J.C, Haley, Riley, Mari, Christy, Chris, Ringo, Lena and Davis with Farah. I had barely moved from my spot, not leaving her for more than twenty minutes a day but I didn't mind. We just sat there in comfortable silence, waiting and watching for some miniscule change in her. Until Christy's cry broke out.

"Oh My god! Help!" She said and gripped her stomach, Chris immediately leaping into action. For the first time all week, I look up at them and see Christy clutch her stomach, Chris fretting over her. "Chris! My water broke! We need to get to the hospital- oh yeah, duh."

'Oh okay. Deep breathes! In. out, in, out," Chris attempted to breath but didn't help the situation at all. The doctor noticed the commotion in the room and stopped by to check, immediately calling for help to get Christy to the maternity ward. They rushed her down, a few of us going down with her but I stayed rooted in my spot, all alone.

"Hey, Faye." I greeted slowly. "Great, I'm talking to a person in a coma, I've officially gone insane. I know that maybe you can't hear me but guess what? Christy's having the baby! Yeah, he's a bit early, but only about three week's right? I think it's going to be a boy. Maybe they will even name him Corey right? Just like you wanted," I stopped in silence for a while, emotions rising up, "So, Blake was arrested. I should go kill him, that sucker deserves it. He deserves much worse. When I found out, I beat the life out of him. The police refused to give him medical attention because he was still conscious. I think I'll make a generous donation to the state police this year. Mikey's wondering where you are. Yesterday he found out what a coma was, freaked the life out of him," I paused, as if waiting for a response or a laugh, something, anything. But got nothing. "I miss you Faye. I love you sweetheart. Please come back?" I ask quietly, silence filling the room, except the beeps of machines.

I sit back and wait for her to come back to me.

Two weeks later.

"It's been two weeks, but there is some progress in brain activity today, she may wake up in the next 24 hours, however don't get your hopes up, Comatose patients can go up and down constantly," The doctor says to Mum and I can't help it hope blooms in my heart, hoping that she wakes up, I miss her.

I miss her smile

Her laugh

Her sass

Her secrets and the way her eyes light up when she sees Mikey

The way she always tried to be so happy, no matter who hard life was

I miss my Faye.

"Danny come on, go home and take a nap, take shower, we will watch her and call if there is a change," Amelia pats my shoulder but I don't move. Suddenly two hands grip my shoulder and spin me around, I turn and face Haley and Mari and they are bent down at my eye level with their arms crossed.

"Alright, listen bitch. I'm sick of you moping around waiting for a change. You need to take a shower because you fucking stink," Haley says and I gape at her, but Mari wasn't done yet.

"Do you know what Fayelynn would have done if she saw you? She would fucking slap you for being such a pussy, so go home, take a shower because if she wakes up and sees you like this she will flip a shit." Mari finishes and I sigh, running a hand through my hair. Finally I stand up, grab my keys and kiss Faye on the forehead before exciting the room. Why? Because Mari was right, she always is. Faye would be pissed at me if she saw my like this.

After showering and eating my first proper meal in weeks, went right back to the hospital to sit next to her and wait.

"Hey." Christy walks into the door, with her son in her arms.

"Hey," I reply back, glancing up at the little baby boy in her arms. She had an emergency C-section, and little Evan Corey Robinson, the newest edition to our group, was born with slight breathing problems and was being released from the hospital along with his mum today.

"How is she?" Chris asks, coming up next to his wife and son, the snapshot of a perfect family.

"The doctor thinks she might wake up today, but he said not get our hopes up," I reply sourly and Christy pats my shoulder with her free arm.

"She'll be fine, this is Fayelynn, and she doesn't give up this easily. I know she's a fighter," Christy states and I nod numbly.

"How is he?" I ask and turn my head to Evan. Even in this somber sad place, Christy manages a small smile of motherly joy.

"He's great, getting discharged today. Do you want to hold him?" She asks and I think for a minute

Do I actually want to hold him or is it just another reminder of what I can't have?

Geez, I can almost feel Faye slapping me on the back of the head for sulking like that.


"Okay, you have to cradle his neck, just like that," Christy hands me the little tiny human and I hold him as if he will break at any minute. I stare down at the little sleeping figure, his eyes scrunched together and a small closed mouth smile playing on his lips. His fists were balled tightly together and by his sides and his body was completely swaddled in a baby blue blanket, with a little knit cap covering his small down of black hair, the same shade as Christy's.

"He's adorable Christy, spitting image of you," I say and she laughs lightly, shaking her head.

"He's got Chris's eyes. Black hair and blue eyes, he could be Ian Somerhalder," she says and I smile slightly, remembering the Vampire Diaries references we used to make. Standing up, I rock the little warm body and walk around the room, he gurgles slightly in his sleep and yawns sleepily, peering his eyes open to stare at me, annoyed about the disturbance of his nap. His eyes scrunch up and lets out a huge wail, his hands fisting and being thrown around in all directions.

"Whoa! Okay, back to momma," I say and hand him back to Christy who takes him and brings out the bottle, feeding him. "He has a set of lungs on him, you guys have some long nights ahead."

"Oh, don't remind me," Chris groans and Christy rolls her eyes at his whining.

"We have to go, call me if there is any change alright?" Christy asks and I nod, glancing back at Evan. They leave soon after leaving me and her to wait for change.

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