{Chapter 11} I Think I'm Bipolar

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Chapter 11~I Think I'm Bipolar


(From where she left Danny's house after meeting his dad)

"Come on Mikey, let's go home and I'll make you breakfast," I tried to appease him, but he just glared at me.

"But I want pancakes! With whip cream and strawberries," he pouted

"I know, I'll take you to Delilah's," I tell him

"Why did we have to leave, Fayely? I thought we were having fun and why were you sleeping in the same bed as Danny?" He asks, and I blink back tears and remember how comfortable and happy I was last night. One minute I'm on top of the world and the next, everything's ruined, God, my life is screwed up.

I should have known that it was too good to be true...

"Mikey, please stop asking questions, please," I beg as I lead him across the street. "Just go up to your room and wait for me to get ready for work, I'm begging you," I asked, the desperation evident in my voice. He nods and whispers an okay and I get my keys, open the house and enter the cold atmosphere. Walking to the kitchen I notice the beer bottles and mess that is sprawled out. I walk to my room, wiping away the rest of my tears and pull out my work clothes when I hear a crash and some yelling.


Racing downstairs, I run in to see Mikey cowering in fear of my father, glass was covering the floor. He is seething and about to hit him.

I jump in between and take the hit for Mikey, who runs to the shadows, hiding away.

"YOU BITCH! I was trying to teach that brat a lesson, now I need to teach you not to get in my way," he laughed evilly and a shiver ran through my spine. I tried to get out from under his grip but he held me in place and hit my left cheek. The pain shot through me but he kept going. Gripping my hair, he lifted me up and threw me against the wall. I fell to the ground and saw him coming at me with a shard of glass in his hand.

"No, No! Stop!" I begged but he didn't listen

"I know you cut yourself, consider this speeding it along,"

He lifted my shirt and slashed the skin. I screamed in pain and felt the blood seep out of my skin.

He cut me again, it was agony and I cried out, wishing that I could just die at this point and end the pain.

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Fuck, stay there bitch," he hissed at me. Either way, I wasn't going anywhere.

"What the hell do you want?" His voice yelled. I was seeing stars and I couldn't make out anything else, darkness was approaching and I wanted to give into it. I saw Danny's face for just a second and whispered something to him, and then I gave into the gloom.

Suddenly I was somewhere else, somewhere familiar. Somewhere scary and dark. It was a room, a hall and Mikey was sitting on the floor, his legs crossed and head lowered. I ran to him but he wouldn't look at me, his head wouldn't lift and give me an innocent smile. I tried to touch him but I couldn't, my arm wouldn't move, it wouldn't budge. He suddenly looked at me, but it was a haunting look. His face was covered in bruises and cuts and I screamed. A shadow appeared behind me and I wanted to run but my legs locked, refusing to move. I was stuck in place and no matter what I did, I couldn't run.

"Don't run, remember what happened last time you ran? I will put you in hell and drag you back just so you can suffer," his steely voices made my blood run cold. Memories haunted me and I closed my eyes, trying to escape. "My, my... Dear daughter you have got yourself in quite a problem," I opened my eyes to see something else. I was in the town library and was sitting on the table, Anne of Green Gables was in front of me. I looked up and saw Danny, but he was kissing another girl. Not just any girl, Brittany. And I was stuck staring at the, not being able to move. They separated and Brittany smirked at me, Danny just scowled and worded "Pathetic charity case" to my face before turning around and walking away. "Don't you see? You don't deserve him, a broken, damaged girl like you don't get him," I shivered and tried to get away but I could feel him right behind me. And the worst part was, I knew he was right.

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