{Chapter 31} The French Dude With Two Different Color Eyes

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{Chapter 31} The French Dude With Two Different Color Eyes


"Prom is in one week and we do not have dresses," Mari plops down on the booth next to Riley and Lena. I bring them back there drinks

"Well, when can we go shopping, I'm free whenever, what about you Fayelynn?" Lena says and I shrug

"Well, I'm working today and tomorrow, maybe for a few hours after school on Thursday?" I suggest and the nod. "You guys wouldn't mind if Mikey comes along would you?"

"No, and I might have to bring Farah. Davis is studying for finals even though we don't have them for like a month," she says and I nod.

"Okay then, we'll meet up here at like 3 on Thursday?" Lena agrees and we nod. I head to the next table, taking the order and finishing my work.

"Okay, that dress makes you look like a skank that has HIV," Haley said as I came out in a provocative, way too tight, hot pink sheath dress.

"So basically you look like Brittany," Mari added and I frowned

"She wasn't always like that," I mumbled under my breath

"Really? What was she like?" Mari asked

"Nice. Kind. Considerate, happy. Not fake, skanky or slutty. My best friend," I explained and they shrugged

"I guess someone was different once upon a time," Mari said

"Dude, that was deep!" J.C said and Mari high fived him.

"J.C what are you doing here anyway?" I asked, rolling my eyes

"I don't have that many classes today and I was bored so, I decided would grant you with my wisdom on fantabulous fashion advice," he says and we snort. The last time he gave one of us advice, I was wearing thigh high socks with skinny jeans. Horrible.

"Oh, jolly!" Lena snorted sarcastically.

"Okay, how about this one?" Mari held up a light pink dress with feminine sparkles on it.

"It's not very..." I trailed off. The dress was gorgeous, but it wasn't Mari's style at all. It was girly but still gorgeous.

"Not very what?"

"Not really your thing, it's a little girly. I thought you would go for something a little more badass," I tried to explain.

"This is prom, not the CIA. I need a dress, but I see your point," she says and puts it back on the rack. I looked through tons of dresses, none within budget.

"God, it's like $500.00 for a dress that you wear once, I think I might as well buy a white one and wear it to my wedding," I snort and they snicker.

"You're wedding to Danny anyway," J.C teases and I turn red

"Shut up!"

"You already have an engagement ring, I say you should get hitched before college," Mari says

"For the last time, it's a promise ring, not an engagement ring," I scold, annoyed.

"Please, an engagement ring is a promise to get married, so a promise ring is an engagement ring," Mari reasons and I roll my eyes at her twisted theory.

"It's not an engagement ring for god sake!" I huffed and turned to another dress, a purple one.

"Seriously J.C. I want to look sexy, not like a lemon," Lena scolded as J.C put a puffy yellow dress back on the rack.

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