{Chapter 27} The Dance With No Pants

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*please read A/N at the end. Kinda important*


"What the hell are doing here?" Danny snarls and steps in front of me protectively

"Ah, if it isn't the protective boyfriend. Well, I'm here to congratulate my dear daughter on her early graduation," he slurs loudly

"He's drunk Danny, really drunk," panic fills my voice and by now most of my school has gathered around, sensing the tension.

"Get out of here before I call the cops on you," Danny threatens and he laughs a loud, drunk, furious laugh.

"Cops? I don't think that's necessary, I'm just here to congratulate you," he says and I step forward.

"You really need to-"

Before I can finish his fist connects with my face and pain shoots through me. I go stumbling back, my ankle twisting painfully and a cry escaping my lips but am caught by a warm body. Gasps and shock waves through the crowd and then I hear a more distinct sound, the sound of a fight occurring. Memories start to flash forward in my mind and I can feel a panic attack coming forward.

This is not the time to pass out Fayelynn, toughen up.

"Fayelynn, Faye. Look at me. Concentrate on me, my face," I look up and see Davis peering at me. "Breathe, come on, just deep breathes."

"Davis, get Danny away from him. He'll hurt him, he keeps a knife in his boot, get him away. Please?" I plead and try to catch my breath

"Okay! Riley..." Davis yells out and I hear more noises. I can see Mari crouch down in front of me a minute later. Davis laid me under the tree and I was still struggling with the whole don't pass out part. I did what Davis told me to, to breathe in and out and eventually the stars and dizziness went away but the pain didn't decrease.

"He's gone, Faye, the cops took him and he isn't getting out of jail for a long time," Danny's face appeared in front of me and I crushed him into a hug.

"Thank god you're okay," I whispered

"Are you okay, that bastard dared lay a hand on you. I would have killed him if it wasn't for Riley and Davis getting in the way," he hisses and I look at his face. He has a busted lip and bruises forming.

"He would have killed you," I said softly, not bearing the painful thought of that.

"Come on, you need to go to the nurse," he says and I nod, struggling to get up. He starts to pick me up but I protest, knowing he must have some pain in his stomach. Instead, Davis and Riley help me up and we stumble over to the benches in front of the small fountain. I wipe some of the tears from my eyes and calm down my heartbeat.

"Fayelynn! Danny!" Mrs. Fitzmaurice walks over to us with the nurse in two. "What happened? I come out of a meeting to find cops all over my school, and my two best students beaten up with Thomas Collins, the town drunk, being towed away in a police car!" She exclaims and I sigh. The secret is out and now people want answers, I will have to give them to her or else face more scrutiny.

"Yeah, Thomas is the violent town drunk and I'm unfortunately his daughter so..." I explain softly and her eyes widen.

"He has been..." She trails off and looks a little green.

"Yeah," I say bluntly.

No point in beating around the hard horrible truth

"Oh." She pauses, "You are pressing charges right?"

"I don't have the money for a lawyer or anything, plus court is expensive and I really can't drag myself and Mikey through the system and the scrutiny of this town," I say and she nods understandingly.

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