{Chapter 15} Don't You Just Love Birthdays?

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The next morning I wake to see a beautiful brunette girl peacefully asleep in my arms. Her hair is loosely braided and goes to the middle of her back, face relaxed and she has one arm thrown over my bare torso. Stirring around a little, her brown eyes flutter open and she groans.

"Who left the curtains open? It's too god damn bright in here," she complains

"Good morning to you too, sweetheart," I say sarcastically and she smiles a little

"Good morning," she pecks my lips before sitting up. "What time is it?"

"Only about 8am, what time does your shift at Delilah's start?" I ask

"9:00, I have to get going soon," she says and steps out of bed. "Don't you have homework?" she asks and I groan

"Tons… I don't want to do it, do I have to?" He asks

"Yes, yes you do. If you want to keep your second in class position," she says and I hop out of bed.

"Fine, Miss. I-can- get-straight-A's-because-I-have-the-freaky-memory," I say and she laughs a sweet beautiful laugh that echoes through the room. I walk over to her and kiss her deeply, wrapping my arms around her slim waist. She runs her hands through my hair and tugs me closer. I run my tongue along her bottom lip, asking for entrance and she moans against my mouth, but then, much to my disappointment, pulls away.

"I have to go, Mikey's waiting for breakfast and I promised him I would take him to Delilah's with me," she says and then stops at the door. "See you later?" I nod and she waves bye and I hear the front door closing. I lay back on my bed and close my eyes.

Life is good…


   Sunday passed by quickly, chores, homework and video games since Faye was working most of the day and Riley was on a date with Mari. Monday came and went, at a snail's pace. Faye had to work, and then go work on that stupid project with that idiot Blake so I was alone again. Mum and Dad went away for the weekend and Alex was "busy" which usually meant she had a new boyfriend. Anna and Amelia went to a friend's house. I was all alone in the house and I kinda hated it. It was a huge house, so when there was only one person in it, it was really sad. But by Monday night, the house was alive again and more cheerful. Mum and Dad had returned, Alex wasn’t "busy" anymore, and Anna and Amelia came back from their friends place. Mikey was playing chess with my dad (and he beat him!) and Faye was helping my mum in the kitchen. We sat down to dinner, My mum and Dad on each end, Anna, Amelia and Alex on one side, and my, Faye and Mikey on the other, all making easy conversation

"Daniel, where is Riley? I haven't seen him around and if I remember correctly, he used to basically live here," my dad asked. We hated it when he called us by our full names but he did it anyway.

"Isn't he dating Mari? I thought they hated each other," Anna said, looking at Faye and she nodded

"Yeah, she called me this morning. Apparently, after the dinner Riley kissed her, when their parents were talking and confessed how much he liked her and wanted to be with her and didn't mean to sound mean after that party. She said how much she liked him too and then BAM! They are all mushy and gushing over each other constantly," she smiled and we laughed.

"Isn't one of Brittany's friends, like, obsessed with him?"

"Yeah, bet she is ecstatic," I said with a laugh, "she has asked him out so many times and he has rejected her so many times," I added

"God, more of those ridiculous rumors are probably going to be floating around, I swear we have the most clichéd high school on earth," Faye said

"I know right!" Anna added

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