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Six weeks later


"Mikey! I'm leaving for class, come on!" I call down the apartment's hall and he grumbles, coming out with his backpack. This apartment wasn't as good as my Mancheston one but it would do while I started college and found a job. "Ready for another day of school?"

"No." He grumbles and stomps out the door, I follow and lock the door.

"Why not? It'll be fun and you'll make lots of new friends!" I encourage and he shakes his head stubbornly.

"Lili and Tommy won't be there," he complains and I sigh

"I know, but you can talk to them over Skype tonight, I promise," I say and his face lights up again, bringing a smile to my own.

"Do you like your school Fayely?" He asks and I nod

"Yeah, Boston College is nice and I got lucky enough to get it for free," I pinch his cheek and he smiles brightly at me.

"Will I get to go there?"

"Maybe, you have to study hard and try your best, Mikey-Ikey. In everything you do. Even if you fail, that's okay I still love you." I tell him and stroke his hair as the elevator descends from the third floor. Mikey's new school wasn't actually in Boston, it was a program were kids in the city could go to better schools in suburbs and small towns. It meant he had to wake up really early, but his school was one of the top schools in the state.

"That rhymed Fayely!" He said and I nod, as the bus pulls up and I say goodbye to Mikey, and head down to the Green line station to Chestnut Hill. I had gotten a full scholarship, but I had to find my own apartment. This apartment wasn't too bad, in a safe neighborhood but it wasn't like Mancheston. Nothing around here was like Mancheston. I had found a waitressing job through one of Christy's friend and made fairly good money, however would probably have to pick up a second job.

Truthfully, I didn't have time to sit in my bed and sob, while watching chick flicks over my "breakup." I'm in a new city, I have responsibilities and obligations, and I can't do that. I needed to hit the ground sprinting and pick up my pace if I wanted to survive here. That didn't mean I didn't miss him. Hell, if I had a penny for every time I thought of him I would have just one, because he never left my mind.

My phone rang when I stepped out of the subway in front of Chestnut Hill.


"Hey, it's me."


"Yeah, um, Christy gave me the number, I wanted to check in on how you are doing, and how the new place is and stuff," she says nervously, as if I'm going to hang up on her any minute.

"It's great! Yeah, um, I'm in college, and it's... its good," I sigh truthfully and she sighs on the other line. "So how's your school? Is it nice?" I ask her, trying to veer the subject off me.

"Cut the crap, Fayelynn. Ask me what you really want to ask me." She says and I sigh again into the phone.

"How is he?" My voice comes out breathless at the thought of him.

"He went to New Jersey, started Princeton with Riley two weeks ago, he's playing football of course," she says and a grin crawls on my face, a slight feeling of pride filling me, although I'm not sure why. Unconsciously, the promise ring on my finger gets twisted and a smile settles on my lips.

"Good, good for him-"

"But you should have seen him, the day that you left. He was broken Fayelynn, completely and utterly broken. After that, it was downhill. Drinking, coming home smashed and possibly high. Alex had an intermission after a few weeks and he packed up and left. We haven't heard from him, but Riley calls occasionally to tell us. It's not good, Fayelynn, it's really not good," she interjects and the guilt I had been swallowing and suppressing for the past weeks wells up and I take a breath.

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