{Chapter 9}My Horny Brother Won't Be Able To Keep His Hands Off

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Chapter 9~ My Horny Brother Won't Be Able To Keep His Hands Off!


A few weeks passed and January turned into February. Snow fell and melted gain and life was good. Faye and I grew closer and spent more time together. Slowly I started to see pieces of the hidden girl, and they were amazing. I can't say that I love her yet, but I knew I was about to. Fast, I know, but she was different and I loved that. She could be childish and mature at the same time. She could be beautiful, even though she just rolled out of bed. She was gentle and stern all at once. And it was amazing. She had something about her, something wonderful that drew you in and made you go towards her, and before you know it you're falling in and it's too late to back out. Not that I ever wanted to. I used to be the player, but damn. This girl had me wanting more.

Time seemed to fly by and we got caught up in life. Between midterms and school and Mikey everything seemed perfect. She had spent more time with us, even started sitting with us at lunch. Even her friend Mari sat with us some days. Riley hated Mari and Mari hated Riley but they both loved Faye do they put up with each other. Bit by bit, Faye seemed to reveal herself and come out of her shell. The rumors died down and Brittany hadn't done anything since the coffee incident in the library, so life was good. It was a Saturday and a week before my birthday. My birthday was February 26. I was born February 26, 1996, funny thing, I was supposed to be born February 29, but my mum fell and hurt herself so she went into early labor and had me via C-section. Said I was the special baby, lucky me! My dad was coming home for my birthday too; my dad works in Seattle so he only comes home on special occasions.

"Danny? Are you even listening?" Faye's voice snaps me out of my thoughts

"Yeah," I reply

"Really? What did I just say?"

"Um, you asked when the history test is." I guessed

"Nope!" she said with a sweet laugh that sounded a little like chiming bells, "I asked what you want for your birthday?"

"Oh, I don't really know..." I trailed off

"Come on, there has to be something you want?" she says

"I know!" I say, faking excitement


"A kiss, from you," I say cheekily. She looks at me in shock and then turns bright red,

"Shut up, Danny! Anything besides that?" She asked

"Nope! It's that or nothing,"

"Fine! Looks like you aren't getting anything from me, thanks for the ride; I didn't want to walk in the rain."

I pull into Delilah's and she steps out of the car and waves before disappearing inside. My phone rings and I see that my mum is calling again,

"Yeah, mum?"

"Nice to hear from you too, son." She says

"Hello Mother, what can I do for you this fine morning?" I fake a posh British accent.

"Ha-ha, I just called to remind you that-"

"That I have a doctor's appointment at 11, I know mother, I am almost 18,"

"I know, my little baby is all grown up, it was only yesterday I was telling you to go to bed and screaming at your father for not changing your diaper," she mocks.

"Ah, making your life hell... good times," I say back

"Yeah, yeah, go to the doctors!"

"Okay, Bye mommy!" I say in my best baby voice

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