{Chapter 20} Is That Guacamole On The Ceiling?!

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{Chapter 20} Is That Guacamole On The Ceiling?!
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAYELY!" Mikey burst into Danny's bedroom and he and I broke apart from our kiss.
"Always interrupted, every single time!" He grumbled under his breath.
"Thank you Mikey- Ikey!" I said and hugged him tightly, climbing off the bed. "So, what did you get me?" I teased and he smiled.
"It's a surprise!"
"Okay, I guess I can wait."
"Alex said you have to come get a birthday breakfast and everybody's down stairs," he says and I nod.
"Okay, we're coming. Give me a minute?" I ask and he nods eagerly, skipping out of the room. Danny wraps his arms around me.
"Happy 18th birthday, babe," he whispers into my ear and I smile.
"Thank you, I joined your 'adult' club," I said and grinned.
"We've been expecting you."
"Okay, let's go down stairs and eat breakfast," we head downstairs to see Alex, Anna, Amelia, Mari, Riley, Davis, Haley, J.C, Ringo, a few other people I don't know and even Christy and Chris in the dining room.
"Surprise!" They yell and I laugh. They all have corny birthday hats on their heads, Christy even has one strapped to her stomach for the baby.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"Nice to see you too," Mari says sarcastically and pulls me into a hug. "Happy Birthday!"
"Ah, my favorite waitress/financial advisor/advertising consultant, Happy Birthday!" Chris hugs me too and then I hug Christy.
"How are you feeling?" I ask, concerned.
"Ugh! Don't even get me started on the morning sickness mess and the only one glass of wine rule, I'm not going to make it Faye, I'm really not!" She wails, probably the hormones.
"You'll be just fine! This is for your baby," I reassure her and she smiles, resting her hand on the top of her stomach.
"Happy Birthday you bitch!" J.C pulled me into a hug and spun me around. He was wearing another outlandish outfit, with a spotted purple bowtie.
"Thanks J.C! Can you put me down now?" He put me back on the floor and Danny wrapped his arm around me waist possessively.
They all wished me Happy Birthday and we sat down to breakfast, for me it was a stack of large funfetti pancakes with chocolate chips and more whipped cream than a strawberry shortcake. Breakfast was lively, to say in the least. J.C and Alex got in a fight over the last pancake and Mikey ended up eating it. Christy started sobbing over the fact that there was no more orange juice, Chris had to go out and get more. Mari tried to flirt with Davis, Riley got pissed and flirted with Haley instead, making a huge fight between the two of them that turned into them making out in the kitchen. Danny and I, well the two of us were in our own little world. Every once in a awhile I would catch him staring at me with a smile on his face and I would grin right back at him. Since my birthday was on a Sunday, we didn't have to worry about school and I had the entire day to enjoy. We all posted a ton of pictures on Instagram, and I received a few happy birthday wishes from some people.
"You Sick bastard!" A voice called from somewhere and we looked up to see Haley, with whipped cream on her face, hair and all over her body. J.C was smirking at her with the whipped cream bottle in his hands. "I will burn your bowties, throw away all of your limited edition spoon collection and give away the ending to the Divergent series," she threatens and he gasps.
"You wouldn't!"
"I SO WOULD! But not before I do this!" She smirks and picks up the orange juice next to her, dumping it on his head. Then she ripped the bowtie from his neck and held it up in the air.
"You motherfing Bitch! I just got this dry-cleaned!" He yelled at her and gestured to his crisp white shirt that was stained an ugly orange.
"SERVES YOU RIGHT!" She yelled. He picked up an orange and chucked it at her head. She ducked and it hit Riley, who was kissing Mari, right in the back of his head. The orange exploded and the juice dripped down his head, neck and back.
"WHAT THE HELL?" They broke apart and gave J.C a bewildered look. He grinned sheepishly and then a small smirk grew on Mari's face.
"FOOD FIGHT!" She yelled and picked up a pancake, throwing at Riley's head. This started a full blown war! Ringo threw the cake batter at Haley, who put syrup in Alex's hair and all over her face. Somebody brought out the flour and dumped cups on my head.
"INCOMING!" Danny tackled me and threw me to the ground, his body shielding mine as the half gallon of milk hit the wall behind us. Milk spattered and Danny got soaked from protecting me. The jug hit Danny on the head and then clattered to the ground.
"Aw look! Danny boy is protecting his girl!" Amelia laughed and they all chuckled.
"What in damnation happened here?" A voice came from the hall. We all froze and we turned and saw a furious Mrs. Mason standing in the door way, her suitcases by her side.
"Mummy! You're back... Yay?" Amelia said sarcastically
"Mum? I thought you weren't supposed to be back till Sunday..." Danny said and I elbowed him in the stomach.
Ouch... I forgot that he has abs that are like concrete.
"You dumbass, it is Sunday," Alex wacked the back of his head, sending milk everywhere.
"YOU!" Mrs. Mason pointed an accusing finger at Danny. "You ruined my kitchen! Clean this up, now!"
"But Mum!" Danny started to protest
"No Buts!" She yelled and J.C snickered behind me.
"No butts! Get it?" He asked and we all looked at him like he was insane. "No? Okay... Awkward..."
"Really J.C? Are you kidding me?" Haley said
"Not the time or the place..." Ringo says with a frown.
"Just clean up my kitchen!" She yells and stomps off, then returns a minute later, "Oh, Happy Birthday, Fayelynn!" She says and thank her. We all turn around to survey the mess. It looks like a food bomb went off in here. There is pancake batter on the walls, milk and orange juice dripping down the cabinets, pancakes all over the place and whip cream in the very crevices of the kitchen.
"Is that guacamole on the ceiling?" Ringo points up to the high ceiling
"No, that's probably something from Amelia's room," Anna says
"Hey! I'm not that much of a slob!" Amelia defends
"Yes, you are," all three siblings say together in unison.
"This is going to take forever!" Mari wails.
"Yeah..." Christy says, then smiles as if inspiration struck. "Chris?"
"Yes, babe?" He turns to her, giving her his full attention.
"I'm tired, and I have a headache... Can you get me water?" She gives him the face and he immediately runs over to get her water and a chair.
"Did you seriously make your husband your bitch?" Haley asks her, adoration fills her voice.
"Yep! And he deserves it! In a few months, I'll be pushing his kid out of my-"
"Christy! Don't you dare finish that sentence!" I say and put my hands over Mikey's ears.
"Anyway... All he did was-"
"Here's your water and chair," Chris comes back and she gives us a grin.
"Thanks, babe. I'm so tired, that fight drained me completely," she complains and he looks at her concerned.
"Maybe you shouldn't clean, just sit and rest..." He says and Christy nods weakly. He walks of and we burst out laughing.
"Oh my god! That's hilarious!" Mari says and we all agree.
"You can do it too," Christy says and we grin.
"Oh, and I thought I wouldn't have to clean on my birthday!" I wailed dramatically and Danny looked at me.
"Well, I guess since it's your birthday, you should go sit down with Christy..." He says and I nod gratefully, making my way to Christy. Mari walks over to Riley and sends us a wink before.
Half an hour later, us girls are sitting in the living room eating, while the boys clean up the kitchen.
"That was literally the best thing ever! We have to do that all the time!" Anna says, munching on the sundae she got her boyfriend, Wyatt, to make her.
"Seriously! Riley fell for my little drama faster than you can say 'my bitch'," Mari laughed.
"They are our bitches!" I laughed and ate my own ice cream.
"They are all so whipped!" J.C giggled and we looked at him.
We turned around to see the boys looking at us furiously. They looked ridiculous, Danny was hold a mop and sponge and his hair still had milk in it.
"So, this was all an act, huh?" Wyatt looked at Anna with a small smile.
"Seriously?" Ringo said looking at Haley. She sent him a smile and he scowled at her, but the humor was evident in his eyes.
"Don't you guys have something to scrub?" Christy frowns at Chris and he glares playfully at her.
"Yeah, we are all done cleaning. No thanks to you!" Riley says
"Good, you guys can wash our dishes," Alex points to the ice cream bowls on the table.
"Nope! Not going to do it," Danny crosses his arms
"Please? It's my birthday," I send him my puppy dog look and his face softens.
"Fine..." He picks up the bowls and takes them to the kitchen.
"Cough, Cough Whipped! Cough," J.C giggles and he scowls at him.
"Come on, Riley. Help him out? Please..." Mari does the same and Riley picks up the rest of the dishes.
"Thank you! You're the best," Mari giggles and hugs him, he smiles and takes the dishes away.
"What are you girls up to?" Mrs. Mason walked in and sat down next to me.
"We made the boys our slaves," Christy explains.
"Your s3x slaves!" Chris walks back in and then turns red in embarrassment when he sees Mrs. Mason. "Oh, um, sorry..."
"Ah, I remember doing that..." She recalls, almost sadly
"With Mr. Mason?" I asked
"No, not really..." she trails off and gives me a small smile."He wasn't really whipped, we were an arranged marriage so it wasn't like that," she explains and I nod in understanding.
"Really, I thought you guys met through friends?" Alex said
"No, your grandpa arranged it for the merger of the company's, I went along with it because I didn't have a choice," she said.
"Do you regret it?" Alex asked quietly.
"Not one bit, I got the best thing out of it. My kids," she says and strokes Amelia's head.
"That's sweet, so what are you planning to do today?" Christy says to me and I shrug
"I don't know..." Glancing to the window, I can see my house from here. The car is there and I have some unfinished business to take care of.
"Well, we have presents!" Alex puts a huge box on the table
"Wow, that's huge, thanks Alex!" I give her a grateful grin. The boys come in with their presents and set them down on the coffee table.
"Okay, that was the last present!" Alex says. I smile and look at the things sprawled out across my lap. Alex, Anna and Amelia got me a bunch of clothes, like a ton, and of course they had to be the most expensive brands and designer. Mari got me 5 rubber ducks, Seriously, she got me rubber ducks. Mr. and Mrs. Mason got me a new phone, an Iphone, which was amazing and wonderful! Mikey got me a locket with our picture inside, and Haley, Ringo, J.C and Davis all got me a guitar! I was grateful for one of the most amazing and memorable birthdays of my life.
"Okay, make a wish!" Mikey instructed and I blew out the candles.
I wish that I could be this happy forever
After they had left and we had cleaned up, it was nearly 4 in the afternoon. I was standing in the dining room, staring out the window. Danny came up behind me and wrapped his hands around me waist, pulling me to him.
"Happy Birthday, sweetheart," he whispered into my ear.
"Thanks, it was the best birthday ever, Danny. It really was, I can't remember the last time I was this happy," I said, but didn't break my gaze from the house across the street.
"What's on your mind?" He asked
"I have to..." I trailed of, unable to finish the sentence. He followed my gaze and instantly tensed up.
"I'll go with you," he decides, the finality in his tone telling me that there was no point in arguing. We had our way across the street quietly. I had the papers in my hand, my other hand gripping Danny's. I stepped un onto the porch and knocked on the door, with as much strength as I could muster.
"What the hell do you want-Fayelynn?" He answered the door and gave me a shocked expression.

Here goes nothing...
Yay! Update! So... happy birthday to Fayelynn!
Did anybody catch the Wizards Of Waverly Place Reference? If you did, you get a dedication in the next chapter 'cause you're awesome!!
I have the next two days off from school!!!!
Bring on le Netflix!
I think i have a crush on Eliah Mikalson~Orignals refence!
Later lovelies!

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