{Chapter 26} Rubber Ducky Towels

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"Fayelynn Collins please come down to the front office please." The voice booms over the intercom and I look up startled. I give Danny a weird look but grab my books and quickly make my way down to the office. The secretary leads me to the principal's office and I panic, wracking my brain with everything I have done in the last two weeks. It had been a week since I met Farah and Lena and they often came with us to hang out.

Was this about Blake?

"Hello Ms. Collins, please come in," The Principle, a kind woman in her fifties, lead me to her cramped small office.

"Hi, Mrs. Fitzmaurice, can I ask why I'm here?" I ask and then spot the guidance consoler on one of the chairs with a file.

"Have a seat, Fayelynn," she says and I sit down nervously. "It has recently come to our attention that you are the sole guardian for your brother Michael, is this true?" The color drains from my face and bile rises up my throat.

They were going to take away Mikey

"Ma'am please, I can take care of him. I have a job-"

"We know that you can care for him, we are not here to report you to social services. Relax," The guidance counselor, Mr. Mahoney cuts in and I exhale a breath.

"We are here because I have been looking over your file, you are a stellar student, never less than an A+ since Kindergarten, and it appears that you can get your GED and graduate now," she says and my jaw drops.

"Really?" A smile creeps on my face and then turns into a full out grin

"Yes, but several students choose to finish out the year, because as it appears you are Valedictorian, if you graduate now, you pass up that title to the next person.  Also, there are many things that you would miss out, senior ditch day, prom, things like that," she says

"That's fine with me, I never really saw the appeal in ditching school for a day, when I can just ditch anyway," I grinned at her and she suppressed a smile.

"Well, okay then. But you will have to take the GED Proficiency Exam, I can schedule that for you anytime you like-"

"Can I take it now?" I ask

"What?" She gives me a strange look

"Can I take the exam this afternoon?" I repeat

"Um, yes, but won't you need time to study?" She says and I grin at her again

"Ah, the perks of having an Eidetic Memory," I say and she nods.

"Okay, well… I have to prep the exam so it will be ready by the end of the day, you are excused," she says and after saying a few thank you and see you laters I bounce out of the room and to lunch. 

"Danny, Danny, Danny, Danny, Danny, Guess what?" I talk fast and he gives me a strange look


"I GET TO GRADUATE EARLY!" I shriek and the entire cafeteria goes silent but I ignore them.

"Really? That's great!" He picks me up and spins me around

"Oi Lovebirds!" Mari walks over to us and study's my shit eating grin, "Are you high?"

"How come every time I'm happy, you think I'm high?" I say and she shrugs

"It's a reasonable explanation."

"Not really."

"Whatever, now why are you so happy?"

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