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I remember a peaceful time.  A time where everyone was happy and sweet.  A time where you could be heard, even if you had the quietest of voices.  It really was a time, but that time had to end, and it did. All when they showed up.

Back when the grass was still green,  the air still clear, and the sky still blue,  life was simple. Nothing too out of the ordinary.  Fights, drama, sure,  but we would stay out of it.  I didn't like to get involved, just causes more drama and fighting. 

One day, these numbers showed up, out of literal no where. Their names were four and x and they said that they were the next BFB hosts. I haven't participated in that crap in years, and I didn't want to here the word
"competition" after BFDIA. Though the others seemed intrigued, especially after they heard about the prize. I just joined because everyone else was going to, besides,what's the point in arguing?

We all then broke into teams. I watched as slots filled up quickly. That's when book came up to me and said that she wanted to be on her team and that she'd always would be.  I decided to join this team, the people on it seemed nice.   And so,  Bleh was made,  ready for anything four threw at us. 

The games were easy.  We all competed in challenges with one team losing.  From that loosing team,  one person was voted off after every challenge.  Like I said, simple.  Well, simple for my team, at least.

We all stayed undefeated for a long time, but at a cost.  Everyone on my team were jerks to one another,  book being the main one.  She over reacts a lot,  especially about the whole taco "abandoning" us bull.  My team came to their aw enses eventually, all of them, except her.  Also,  she drags ice cube around and makes decisions for her, thinking that icy would automatically agree with everything that comes out of her big mouth.  It drives me nuts inside.  You can even tell by ice cube's facial expression that she doesn't agree with one thing that comes out of that dictionary's mouth. We all resent book,  lollipop with a passion.  We all tried talking to her,  but there's no way to break this book. 

Our team isn't however,  the only team falling apart.  All of them,  all 8 of the teams formed were fighting,  yelling,  screaming at one another,  like that would make a difference.  It gave me a headache,  but also gave four one.  Days went by,  each one feeling like an eternity.  Until...      four had enough of the shouts,  enough of the constant fighting, enough of the everything.

Four left in an explosion,  but not before destroying our world.  They left the water green,  the sky dark, and the air toxic.   Many died on that day alone.  Needle,  grassy, and big mouth book herself. 

At first,  it was kinda peaceful, in a way.  But days, months,  even years past since they came and we all started to loose humanity.  The sweetest of sweet turned sour over time,  the nicest of hearts rotted after a while. 

We all broke up into groups,  and if not,  you'd parish from the air alone.  Those groups weren't all that nice.  Some were,  like death P.A.C.T,  but they aren't around any more.  Most of them were like the alliance,  sour brats who knew no morals and were never told what was right and wrong. 

And then there's me:  Teardrop,  TD,  the silent type,  whatever you choose to call me.  I don't  even care anymore.  No one wanted me in their click so I didn't bother to join.  I don't know how I survived all these years. 

Oh yeah,  him...

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