Freeze juice

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Leafy's POV:

I woke up, my back warm. I look down and see arms around me, Firey's arms. He was still fast asleep. I wanted to wake him up but he was sleeping so soundly like a child. I felt warm and loved, something I haven't felt in a while. I wish I could just stay here with Firey's arms around me forever, not having to go back to Blocky's ever again.

Firey eventually wakes up and slowly lets me go. He rubs his eyes as they were slowly opening. " Morning." He says softly to me. " Good morning Firey."

" You ready for today?" He asks, sitting up and scratching the dirt off his back. " I guess as ready as I'll ever be."  We got up and began to walk to where the Pain's base. 

The walk was about a day, half if you kept a fast pace.  But neither of us wanted to get there fast.  In fact, it was more stalling than walking. Both of us didn't want to go there very much because of the experiences we had with that place. 

Though, to be honest, I don't think anyone had good memories with that place.  The only people I could think of that didn't have a bad experience from this place were Blocky and SB, who was doing all this. 

I wish I never had to back to that place.  back to that room where SB's voice played for hours on end.  Back to the toxic, sick, torturous Blocky.  Back to the screams of my past teammates and competitors.  Back to hell. 

I would always wish on cold nights that everything would just go back to the way it used to be.  Back when the sun was still hot and felt warm on the face.  Back when we would all sing and play like kids in an infinite back yard.  Even back when we were in GB's cozy lab, sipping coffee and laughing around the wooden table.  Back when we were happy. 

Though, at the same time, it may be better to go back while I was still considered somewhat of a Pain.  If I stayed out here for any longer, Blocky would probably try to take things into his own hands and kill them right then and there.  At least now they wouldn't die. 

The way there was mostly quiet.  We would spark up a conversation here and there but most of it was quiet.  We were mostly just taking in what was happening, trying to cope with the fact that we had to be back near this place.

Eventually, we begin to see the base in the distance. Both of us began to get a little nervous, you could even see smoke coming from his forehead.

Slowly, we moved closer and closer to the building, being able to see it more clearly. As we neared closer, I started to feel sicker and sicker by the second. I felt like I was about to throw up. My legs felt like jelly and my head felt warm.

Firey asks me, " You ready." I nodded, not wanting to remind myself that I had to go in there. "Alright, I'll stay here, you go." He said. I took a deep breath, wiping the sweat from my brow and walking in.

The smell of garbage and blood filled the air, the scent thick. You could hear a quiet murmur from the cell near me. The prisoners were having a small conversation. I walk to the office and figure out the people were Coiny and Pin. "Leafy, please!!" I heard Pin say, but I just acted like I didn't see her.

I walk into Blocky's office and chills immediately go down my spine. He sees and asks. " Any news?" I sit down and say "well, I GB so..."

He cuts me off with a loud groan. " Out of all the people you could have killed, you killed her?  She was the one I was looking forward to hurting the most.  Huh, anyways, anyone else?" 

" Work in progress, but..."  Blocky gets up from his chair and move towards me.  " But?"  He repeats. 

"I just came here for supplies,"  I say.  Blocky chuckles, playing with the keys around his neck he probably found after we stole them from SB, laughing.  " I thought you said that it was getting colder, that Mother Nature would take care of him did you not.  Did you even kill GB, or did the cold?  Besides, your a Pain, you shouldn't need supplies.  Though I suppose your new to this all so I guess it's fair to give you some help.  What exactly do you need?"

I hesitate for a sec, but then mutter, " Ah freeze juice?"  Blocky rolls his eyes and opens a drawer.  He digs for a while and then pulls out 4 needles full of the light blue liquid.  He hands them to me, " Anything else?" Blocky then asks. 

"Maybe something to knock out Firey?"  He goes back into the drawer and hands me another one of the syringes with a dark red liquid inside.  " What's this?"  I ask him. 

" SB called it Snake venom, though it wasn't fitting since it really only knocks you out for a day.  I guess Snowball just thought it was a cool name." 

" Cool," I say.  " No problem,"  Blocky says beginning to move closer to me.  I begin to get confused, not knowing what he was about to do.  He then grabs me and pins me up to the wall.  I begin to freak out, even struggling a bit, but he wouldn't let go. 

" Listen, I've waited long enough to get my revenge and if you're not back with them in 48 hours, I'll kill you instead.  Got it." 

I swallow hard, starting to sweat.  All I'm able to say is a muffled.  " Yes" Before He drops me to the ground.

I run out of that room, Blocky not even saying anything.  I run out of the Pain's base and back to Firey who was waiting for me to return. 

The first thing he looks at is the vile's of the freeze juice.  " Look at that.  I haven't seen this stuff in almost 9 years." 

" Yeah..." I say putting the freeze juice down and holding up the syringe with the dark liquid up to Firey's arm.  " You ready?"  I ask. 

He shrugs a little, eventually saying, " I guess."  I then begin to inject the Snake Venom into his body.  As I inject him, he quickly gives me a small peck on the lip before collapsing in my arms.  It was all so sudden that I wasn't even able to react.  I didn't know how to feel. 

1 down, one vile empty, but 4 more still filled with the cold, blue liquid. 

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