The pains

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The pains, if you didn't know, are a group of people who like to kill and torture people for pure enjoyment. They know no morals and most of them are jerks. Their main rival was
death P.A.C.T, but they were captured two years ago, destined to rot in a rusty cell, like all their other victims.

Woody: Cell keeper. I don't even know how the hell HE got to be apart of the pains. Woody is literally afraid of everything, including the site of blood. I don't know how he could go though a day of looking at nothing but bloody ceilings and the noise of pleading prisoners. I almost feel bad for him, whether part of the pains or not.

LIY: tracker. She basically keeps track of all the prisoners and their conditions. She used to be apart of Death P.A.C.T., but betrayed and turned them in.

Blocky:Assistant. He is the leader's number two and is usually right by the leader's side. He was able to join after he stole a bunch of inventions from golfball. Since then, blocky has been second in command.

Snowball: the leader and least forgiving. Snowball was the one to started this all. He established the pains in order to get power above all of us. You're either with him or against him and trust me, you want to be on his side.

How do I know this, well, I was a victim of their torture. A year ago, I was captured by snowball himself. I was then dragged into a crummy cell and hung from my hands. I barely got any food and the food I did get was straight from the garbage. The grey, bloody walls were so thin that you could here the screams, and yet hard enough to echo from the wall and right into your ear. This alone is enough to make you break a sweat.

As for the torture, still bad but could be worst. The torture I did get was mild. They did sometimes cut and bruise me, sometimes to the point of tears, but not enough for me to scream. They would mock me, calling me a mute and a silent. It bothered me, but I never said anything, besides, it's just giving them what they want.

Though, I know they've done worse to others. They call it "special treatment" and you'd only get the gift of seeing it if you've been bad or if any of the members had a bone to pick with you. If you fell into that criteria, you'd get to meet their little torture device: lightning.
Poor lightning was forced into the ropes of the Pains, witnessing the death of one of his friends every restless day and every sleepless night. Hell, if you're really lucky, you'd just be thrown into black hole and that would be that, done. I wish that was the case for me.

Sure the physical torture was awful, unbearable even, but nothing compared to the mental pain. Most had a couple people in a cell with them, maybe even a whole group, but me, I was alone. I would usually drown myself in my forsaken thoughts, thinking that they would fill up the room and suffocate me. These thoughts helped me cope with the fact that I'd never see the light of day again. Thinking that this is it, that I'm done. Sometimes, these thoughts would get so, so real that I'd brake out into tears, the water mixing with the blood under me.

One day, it all changed.

I was in my cell, like usual and had one of my thought break downs. Just then, woody came by. We made eye contact. I looked at him, eyes wet and sympathetic. He looks away, probably saying in his head.

" don't engage, remember the consequences if the others find out."

But something brought him to my crusty cell. He opened the door and slowly walked in. I look at him again, making I contact with the guard. Then,
He smiles.....
He smiled a nervous, scared, yet heart warming smile. He then shows me the key as his cheeks begin to turn pink. He unlocks the cuffs and helps me down. My face starts to glow a bright red as he holds my cut hands. I look into his brown eyes, they say it all. They're telling me to " go, leave while you still have the chance. Don't worry about me, worry about yourself." He then let's go of my palms, leaving behind a black rose bud. I look down and grasp it in my hand . I look back up and nod at woody, thanking him for his sacrifice. I then run out as fast as my bruised legs could carry me.

I never saw woody again, but I did hear the conversation with him and the other Pains through a shattered window.

"Well.... what do we have here?"


"Looks like a trader."

" What should we do with him boss."

" throw him in the cell, for as long as he lives."


" look out TD, we're coming."

Then that was it. The last thing I heard of that place was the clamp of the cell doors shutting, never to be opened again. All I have left of him is the black rose bud and the image of his smile implanted in my head. That stupid smile that set me free, that stupid smile that sacrifice itself for my being, that stupid smile that won't go away.

I've been on the run, never to return to my cell where woody now lies, but at the same time, I have the erge to go to the old BFB battle grounds. It's not far from my camp and I'd probably be back before sun down, but the risk of being found. I don't care, if it kills me, then I'll be out of my misery.

I begin to pack some gear and head off.

(A/N: I'm taking a break on no turning back to work on this story and to develop it more.  Expect to see more in August.)

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