The Things You Can't Unsee

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Golfball's POV: It's late, everyone seems unconscious. I woke up an hour or two ago, not being able to sleep.  Whenever I can't sleep, I begin tinkering, maybe make some new metal knifes,  maybe even robotic parts,  usually something to keep my mind occupied. 

Tonight, was different.  I felt distracted, like, I couldn't concentrate on my inventions which is, strange. This is especially out of the ordinary since I usually never loose focus.

Maybe it's because of what I saw this morning during the break in. Should I? NO!
I can't! Besides, they wouldn't understand. They can't help, so why do they have to know. But I can't get the image out of my head. All they saw me do was me run upstairs and cry my eyes out, and that's all they're gonna see. I can't let them see. I continue tinkering, the scene replaying in my head.

I followed Leafy as she tries to locate Firey's cell. She skips down the halls, turning the corner. I look around at the cells. Some of the people are crying out for help, I try not to look at them. I walk up and down the prison hall, the cost being clear.

I'm about to meet Leafy, hopefully at Firey's cell when something catches my eye.  I turn and see before me my old cell,  TB still in there.    He looks untouched,  his dead face the same as it was when he died a year ago.  The stab wound was huge, bigger than I remember.  Bugs swarmed the cut.

I hear Blocky walk up the hall.  I run into the cell, trying to hide from the Pain guard.  He looks up and sees TB, which to him is another one of his victims. 

" WELL, Well, well well! Look who it is, old TB.  Such a shame he insisted to die, he could have been useful. Ah, but it was not meant to be. I still can't believe he decided to eliminate himself because of stupid bossy bot Golfball.  He must be real dumb to pull a move such as that.  It's really almost funny."

His words make me tear up.  How could he say that about him?  How cold hearted could a human get?  Without thinking,  I run out of my hiding place and begin yelling at Blocky.  "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT ABOUT MY TB!!!!!  HE'S NOT STUPID,  HE'S THE SMARTEST, MOST........"

" HEY, what are you doing here!!!" 

I start running down the hall as blocky chases me with a knife in his hand.  Tears are flying down my face as Blocky's words play in my head,  all this while I'm being chased by the psycho himself.

"YOU KILLED HIM!!!!" I yelled behind me.      " WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KILL MY TB!!!!!"
" YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER GB!!!!!" Blocky calls back to me. I rush down the clinking halls, Woody, TD, Leafy and Firey running along my side. The girls pull the two, once imprisoned boys down the cell halls, me wishing for someone to grab my hand. 

I voice calls out to me. A voice so subtle, yet so loud. A voice that is nothing compared to everything else yet the most bold and memorable. The voice was the all the voices around me, combined, distorted and creepy. It was saying 'Why do you do this to yourself . You were fine before, secluded from the outside world. Why did you ruin it by letting those imbecile's into your life? Just go!!!! GO!'

The thoughts make me forget who I am, what I am, but worst of all, how to walk. I fall to the ground, Blocky approaching me. I've accepted my fate, except Leafy could not. She decided to help me up and well, didn't make it out because of it.

I ran home, watched LIY fled from the scene, and then proceeded to slam my head against the pillow and cry my eye out for hours.  All of this while Firey watched me.

I eventually fell asleep. I don't remember the dream that followed. All I remember is that it was dark and sad. I woke up again and began some tinkering.

I take a breath out, remembering the events of today. I then notice a sweet picture. It was of me and TB, smiling, together. Tears formed in my eyes. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

We were on a grassy plain, the field smelling of sweet tangerines. We were having a picnic. The air was cold and the sky was dark. It was the night of the rare meteor shower we were both waiting to see for a year. Everyone I ever knew was there, all of them with the ones they loved. Coiny was with pin, Foldy was hanging with Stapy and I was with my TB. The shimmering lights rained down as oo's and ahs filled the night sky. That's when we share a kiss, our first kiss. Others saw this magical kiss and started to cheer, something neither of us got very often. It was the best night ever in the history of good nights.

The reflection of my face appears in the frame, showing me what I've become. I'm not that full of life,  23 year old girl I used to be.  Now,  now I'm nothing but a sad woman,  reduced to nothing but brown rags and robotic bolts. 

Sometimes I wonder, what would happen if I did die a year ago,  what would of happened.  I guess,  I would be set free, like how TB was.  I wonder what it's like being a ghost, being up in the clouds.  I wish I knew what that felt like.  Except, I want to know what that feels like, more then ever.  I want to breathe the free air the other breathe.  I want to see TB again more then ever. 

I've never really been that into music but,  I've been developing this song,  the melody being sorta my final message to this apocalyptic world.  Just thinking about it, I begin to hum the beginning, mumbling the words softly. 

" Once upon a time life was good with you,  but now it's not, because you left too soon
I wanted you to stay by my side, But we couldn't hide from faith and sweet heaven that took you away leaving me to cry.

And I'm done and I'm going through this alone, with no one to turn to. Just me, myself, and I. And I.  I just need someone to turn to, but they're not you.

And now, I feel distorted, I feel so sad, but also, a little bit glad. Because I'll join you, tomorrow morning before noon. Life would be fine then, life would be done.  I won't live anymore, instead I'll run into your arms."

" into your arms". I say, my breath staggers as tears continue to flow down my face. 


Firey's POV: What!? But she ............. She can't, just leave!! Why does she think she's going through this alone! She's not! We are going through the literal exact same thing. Besides, why do I feel for this girl, anyway?  I didn't care for her 14 years ago so why do I all of a sudden care now?  All this and yet her story, her song makes me cry hot,  lava tears. 
The tears burn through the blankets, making brown, burnt holes in the cloth. 

I've gotta do something,  I can't just let her commit suicide!  I gotta show her, remind her that she's not going though this alone.  TD has Woody, so it's my job to have GB's.  I'll help her through this, and maybe, she'll help me. 

Golfball grabs some rope and sets it on their desk.  She said that she'll see TB in the morning before noon, which means that she'll probably try to kill herself early in the morning.  I pretend to be asleep, really looking up at the bed above me.  I whisper to myself      "Do this for her," Motivating me.  Leafy always used to say to me that 'Tomorrow is a new day'.

Well, tomorrow is a new, fresh day. 

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