Back to the maroon walls

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Leafy's POV:

I was finally back at the dreaded Pains lair once again. At the entrance, Blocky was waiting there, rubbing his hands. He was smiling. " Good girl," he said grabbing LIY and Woody from my grasp.

We begin walking to a room. "Where are we going?" I ask him. He wraps his arm around mine. " Oh" he chuckled. " just another torture room." The way he said it felt innocent in a weird, sadistic way.  Almost like a child about to pull a prank on a friend. Not knowing what to say, I just smile, sweating a little bit.

We get to the room and something about it looks similar, but it doesn't come right to me. We put the bodies down and walk out of the room. I'm about to walk to the office when Blocky grabs me again, his grip tighter.

" Blocky, what are you doing?" I try to pull away but his hand becomes tighter and tighter. All of a sudden, he smiles at me. " Oh my clever girl, you know exactly what I'm doing."

He then throws me into the room and locks the door. I immediately run back up to the door, banging on it as hard as I can. " Blocky, LET ME OUT!!" I did what you said! I'm a Pain and..."

He stops me and begins to laugh once more. " You think that you're one of us when you're the weakest of all? I knew that you were becoming soft and wanted to rescue your friends, but all you did was bring them right to me. I knew that it would be simple, but I didn't think it would be THIS easy."

"Where am I?"  I say continuing to punch the door. 

" Don't you recognize it?  I first cell you were in, except I made some modifications." 

"What modifications?"  I say trying to calm down, but every thought made me feel worse.

" You'll see."

" Whatever.  You won't get away with this!!" I yell. The last I hear of Blocky that day before he left was, " Oh Leafy, I already have."

I slam on the door, kicking it, punching it, but nothing worked. Eventually, I stopped trying and just scrunched up into a ball on the ground, heartbroken. I cried, feeling like a failure and that I couldn't do anything.

Firey's amnesia soon wore off and he began to wake up. He looked around, at first not seeing me. He knew he was in one of the Pain's, room, but I don't think it really sunk in. He saw me on the ground and crawled over to me. "Leafy? What are you doing here?" He asked so innocently.

I didn't even look up, just sat there staring up at the ceiling. He leaned over me, beginning to look annoyed. " Hello? Leafy answer me!"

I sigh and just say to him, "I'm sorry Firey." He looks confused, asking "Sorry? But haven't you come to save us?"

I sit up, feeling my head which hurt slightly. I look at him, his eyes, face still with a hopeful expression.  " No" I frowned.  " I haven't,  I have failed you.  All I did was lead Blocky right to you and now, now we're gonna die here like everyone else." 

He puts his hand on my shoulder almost comforting me in a way.  It felt weird since I was once the one comforting him, the one that was always positive.

" Don't say that Leafy,  we'll be fine."  He looked around the room.  Though all he saw was the frozen bodies of Woody, LIY, and Taco.  He then asked, " Where's TD." 

I smiled, playing with my hands.  " I let her go.  She thawed early so I decided to let her free.  I also wanted back up, in case my plan didn't work." 

" Oh then, what are you worrying about?"  He asked me. 

" What if she's too late? What if Blocky gets to her?" 

"She's strong,  If she was able to rescue us, then she'll rescue us again."  I think about the break-in months ago, when I was captured so that Firey, so that Woody, so that GB didn't have to again. 

" I hope you're right." 

For a while, nothing really happens.  Firey just tried to cheer me up, me being too upset and too stubborn to listen.  Eventually, hours past and the others were beginning to melt. 

First Woody, the blue ice starting to melt off of him.  He opened his eyes widely, immediately becoming stressed.  " No not thith plathe again!!"  He cried out. 

Woody looked around,  calling out for Teardrop, but he didn't see him.  He then sees me.  I give him a smile, but he angrily stares back at me, running up and tackling me. 

I tried but up,  but he was holding me down oddly well.  I guess he got a boost of strength.  With tears in his eyes, he yells "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH UTH AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH TEARDROP!!!"

"Woody get off of her!!"  Firey pulls him away.  Immediately LIY and Taco jump in after they wake up, not even knowing what happened.  "You better explain yourthelf."  He says trying to wiggle out of Firey's grasp. 

I sigh " I'm sorry I did this to you all.  I was gonna let you out, not even attack you but I couldn't cause soon Blocky would find out and kill all of us.  To be honest, I missed you guys and kinda just wanted you back and I thought saving you was the only way.  As for TD, I let her go, hopefully, she'll come back for us."

Woody comes up to me, stops and just hugs me.  It was kinda a way of showing he was sorry about tackling me.  Soon everyone came over to give me a warm hug.  From that alone, I knew that I was finally forgiven. 

After they let go, I saw Taco hug Firey, probably making up for the fight.  " I'm sorry for being a jerk about the whole GB thing."  She said.  " It's ok,"  Firey said back.

" What is this place?"  Taco asked. 

LIY's face became harsh and filled with anger and annoyance.  " Pain's base.  Barely anyone has escaped.  Unless TD gets us, we're doomed."

That's when we here static, followed by more of Blocky's spine chilling crackles.  "Well if it isn't LIY and Woody, the Pains that were way too soft to be a killer, and look at that, Taco.  We all thought you were dead.  Won't change a thing however since you'll all be dead tomorrow." 

LIY was kinda holding back everyone like they were about to run into danger.  "What are you gonna do with us?!" 

" Drown you.  Simple death by water."  I look back at Firey.  His eyes widen and he begins to almost freak out.  I felt bad. 

"So enjoy your last night, because come tomorrow, you'll be gone."

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