Too quiet

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The next two weeks were uneventful for the most part. We kinda just sat around in the cave, waiting for something to happen, prepared for another attack from Leafy just so that we could migrate to a new place only for the cycle to repeat over and over until the cat finally catches the mouse.

The only change is that Taco went back and got us blankets so we wouldn't freeze. We all broke up into our own groups, staying mostly with that person. Taco with LIY, Golfball with Firey, and me with Woody. Most nights while we ate we talked as a group and sometimes play small games so we wouldn't go bored, but other than that, we were secluded with our own companion. 

Me and Woody were doing fine. We would talk, comfort one another, and we were always there. Some nights, Woody would get nightmares, horrible ones about the Pains enough to make him wake up in a cold sweat. Those nights we would just sit and snuggle up against the blanket, trying not to freeze. We would just talk until we fell asleep on each other's shoulders. The others thought it was adorable. 

Taco and LIY seemed to get along well with one another. Like us, they would just talk and comfort one another when they needed to. LIY seemed to be happier now that she had someone to talk to, which was nice to see.

Firey and Golfball were the loudest out of all of us. Except, it was more oneway with GB talking as Firey okay with listening. Firey became quiet, rare for him to speak.  All of us have tried to get him to talk, but he didn't seem to be interested.

None of us had seen Leafy for weeks. We assumed that she went back to the Pains base to clean up before the next attack, Taco even thinks she's dead. We sometimes see the squirrel she saved a couple nights ago, waiting for her return. One day, it stopped coming all together and we came to the conclusion that it died from the cold. Poor thing. 

However, There was one notable thing that happened throughout the two weeks of nothing. It happened a couple nights after we got the blankets. The night started pretty normal at first, except that I woke up in the middle of the night. I tossed and turned for what felt like hours, trying to fall back to sleep.

I nudged Woody, who was still asleep soundly. I look over his shoulder and there was a nice smile on his face. Occasionally, I would even hear a small giggle from him. Nice to see at least one of us was fast asleep, despite wishing it was both of us like that.

I eventually gave up on sleeping that night and decided to just wait for the sun to rise. It was so cold that night. I tried to pull more blanket onto my body, but whenever I did, Woody would pull it all back for himself.

I thought I was the only one up, until I heard a quiet yell. "LIY are you asleep!?"
I pretended to be asleep, not wanting GB to see me. I knew that I shouldn't be listening, but part of me was intrigued to hear what would happen, especially between LIY and Golfball.

At first, neither of us here an answer. We waited about a couple of seconds, then heard a quiet, " Well, not anymore."

" Ok then, can I talk to you?" Talk? Since when did Golfball want to talk to LIY, especially at this time of night.

" Yeah, what is it?" I couldn't really see LIY, but I imagine her quietly sitting up, one hand on her shoulder and the other rubbing her eye. Just from her voice, I could tell that she was tired, which made sense, she was just woken up after all.

Golfball took a deep breath and then said, "Okay, So I heard you and Taco talking about, stuff."

" YOU DID!?" LIY screams, immediately to be shushed. I even hear Woody grunt angrily before going back to sleep soundly.

" I did." Golfball continues. " I was sent out to find you and Taco and overheard what you said about you cutting yourself over me not really excepting you and I wanted to say that I was sorry."

There was a pause, and long, too. It felt very awkward for LIY and Golfball. Awkward for GB since she had to apologize to someone she doesn't exactly trust. Though I feel more pity for LIY, having to be apologized to, especially over hurting herself.

The long silence finally ends with LIY saying "Really?"

" Yes really. That night, I wasn't thinking rationally and didn't choose to think of the other possibilities."

There's another pause, but this time quick. " It's ok, really. I get it, i'm a Pain and a Pain can never change or be trusted." Hearing that, to me was the most heartbreaking. To see this girl want to change and choose to change now thinking she never can because of her past is devastating, especially when you know that she has.

" LIY, that's not true and I was wrong. It's not you who has to change, it's my views. You know, a good friend of mine told me once people always had a chance to change. TB."

" Tennis ball? Yeah, Blocky told me he killed him, he died for you, right?"  There was no answer. " I hate Blocky, he's someone who doesn't deserve the chance to change."

" Exactly, but you did and now I'll give you that chance."

" Wow, you really have changed. Well, thank you."

That was the last I heard from those two all night, but that didn't mean that their words weren't just promises never fulfilled. Ever since that night, Golfball was nicer to LIY, even grew a liking to her. I started to see an expansion of the group of not just Firey and GB and LIY and Taco. No, now they were more united. Eventually me and Woody joined and we became more of a group once again.

It was little moments like that that kept us going, that stopped up from giving up and surrendering to the world. Stuff like this inspired us to move on, to get back up, to put a bandage on that cut and walk it off.

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