How this all began

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We get into the apartment and sit down at the round table, all of us scared to talk.  After about ten minutes of silence, Woody finally belts out.  " I'M THORRY !!!" To all of us.

" It'th not LIY'th fault that the'th like this.  Me and her both come from a terrible home.  You thee, thee wath the one who turned Death P.A.C.T.  in.  Then I wath captured."

His tone became darker as he was about to explain how he joined the Pains.  I could tell he wasn't exactly thrilled about talking about the people who hurt him. 

" You don't need to continue if you..."

" What, no, it'th nothing, you detherve to know.  Anywayth, they got to me and got TO ME very quickly.  I pleaded and begged to join.  They eventually let me, probably getting tired of my conthtant pleadth. They athigned me the roll of the guard. I bathically had to make thure everyone wath in their thell, in there plathe."

"And if you didn't." Golfball asks, curious.

" oh um, right." He was caught off guard by this question.  He then looks to the side, half scared, but also regretful. He then mumbles as low as he can, yet the words spoke louder than we could ever speak. " they would thtarve me, thomtimeth even beat me if they felt like it.  It wath awful.  I uthually jutht did what they thaid, trying to avoid the violenthe.  I didn't like it, but there wath no point in fighting."

" that's horrible."  I say.  I can't imagine what Woody had to go through, just to try to fit in with these guys.  Even when he finally gets in, he's hurt just as must as any of the other prisoners in the building. 

" Eventually, I thaw you,  Teardrop.  I wath walking down the prithon hall, Thowball ordered it.  He told me to go to your thell and quote unquote ' make her talk.' Tho I did, not wanting to becauthe who am I kidding, I don't want to hurt you.  I wath walking to your thell and I thaw you, there, hanging all alone, crying."

My cheeks turn a light red as he placed his soft palm on the top of my hand.  He then smiled at me as I began giggling, not knowing how else to react.

"At that moment, for the firtht time in a while, I thought for mythelf and for the firtht time, I followed my own conthcienthe. I thought long and hard.  I dethided I didn't want the thame thing that happened to me to happen to you.  Tho, I let you go.  You were off the hook and I dethided to take your plathe.  That'th when the torture only got worthe.  Inthead of the occathional beating, I had them come everyday, jutht to hurt me.  I eventually gave up on ever ethcaping.  I wath prepared to die there.  Thankfully you came along, otherwithe I would have rotted there forever."

He squeezed my hand tightly.  " Well, you sent me." I say.  We both giggled while the other two looked at us, confused.  I didn't mind. 


"Log date 1474:  I'm currently tied up by the former prisoners of the pains residence.  How they were able to tie up a pain guard to a grey pipe is a mystery to me.  Maybe due to the fact that I was weak from spending the week in the wilderness, plus the fact that my arm has been injured."

I'm sat down, tied down the pipe wondering how and why.  I just don't believe someone like Woody would join these guys.   At least after he begged and pleaded to be apart of us.  We got sick of it, let him in and what thanks do we get?  We get betrayed and tied to these stupid pipes. 

After all we gave him too.  We gave him the freshest food we had, despite not having that much to begin with.  Barely any mold on it, too.  We gave him a shelter, a place to stay when nights were cold and rainy.  We gave him all the high quality knifes we could find, perfect for hurting the people who wronged him.  After all of that, we get this kind of treatment. 

Sure,  I did tease and hurt him, sometimes even cut him, but that was just to show prominence.  Besides, it's not like SB and Blocky never did it to me.  Being bugged by them , all day, all because I used to apart of Death P.A.C.T.  They always said rude smirks, thinking that I couldn't hear them, but I could hear them, I could hear every word that came out of their ugly mouths. 

They would always say stuff like " Look it's the old girly girl Death Packer, wonder if she's gonna save us from our own prison."
" Yeah, what are you gonna do?  Betray us like you betrayed them?"

It was always so annoying.  Worst of all, there words always stuck in my head.  Hell, every time I walked passed Death P.A.C.T, I had to stab one of their arms or cut off one of their toes or something, just to try to get those words out of me. 

I never really wanted to hurt anyone, but what else could you do?  I knew that if I stayed on Death P.A.C.T, I would get slaughtered,  so I turned them in, just so I could gain the other two's trust.  Now,  I must suffer at the hands of these fugitives.  But, at the same time,  I kinda deserve it.

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