She's Back

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I was sleeping soundly. It was quite a good sleep actually, at least better than my usual dreams about being back in the Pain's custody and back in my old cell. This one, was different. Instead, I was out in the fields with the others, chasing each other and smiling. It had to be way before BFB, back before Four and X came and ruined our lives.

My dream was then interrupted by a loud bang followed by even louder screaming. Me, Firey, and Woody bursted up and jumped out of bed only to see Golfball on top of LIY and barking at her.


" Golfball get off of her!" Firey says, pulling Golfball off of LIY and holding her down like she had rabies. I sit there, paralyzed with fear and almost crying. All I could think about was how, and why.

She was fine last night. After she came upstairs, she sat down and joined the conversation. She apologized to LIY and even seemed to be having a good time.  I thought this whole fight was behind us. 

Woody sees me struggling and grabs my hand.  I look at him, a smile on his face.  I smile back as he wiped my tears.  I feels weird, being the one being comforted, it's usually the other way around, but I'm glad that he's there for me.

Meanwhile,  Firey has GB pinned to the wall as he yells at her like he's her dad.  " WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" 

" I THOUGHT I SAW LIY WITH A KNIFE!!!!"  Golfball yells back trying to defend herself.  I look where the fight happened.  I don't see any knives, only LIY laying on the floor as water rains down her eyes like waterfalls.  She gets up on her own, but doesn't move forward, just sits down on the bed.  She looks fine, just confused. 

I walk over to GB and Firey, who were still yelling back and forth.  " What were you thinking Golfball?" Woody says looking worried. 

" GOLFBALL WHAT DID WE TALK ABOUT?!" I yell.  She looks at me and that's when I realize what I just did.  She runs out of the room and down stairs.  Me and Woody follow her as Firey just stands there, his hand down from Golfball pushing it.  Like LIY, he didn't look hurt or sad, just dazed. 

" GOLFBALL WAIT!!!" We call after her.  GB doesn't answer, she barely even turns her head, just keeps walking. 

She runs to the platform as it begins to rise. 

" I'M DONE HURTING PEOPLE!!!" She yells, as tears begin to fall from her eyes.  " I'M DONE BEING MAD AT LIY AND I'M DONE HEARING YOU TELL ME WHY I SHOULDN'T!! 

That's when she reaches the surface.  Me and Woody wait a couple of seconds, I even begin tapping my foot, anxious.  The platform then lowers back down and me and Woody get on. 

I press the button as the metal plate begins to move up to the surface.  " What are we gonna do?" He asks.  I grab his hand.  " I don't really know.  All I know is that we have to find her before it's too late. 

The cold air touches my skin as I inhale a great big bolt of breath.  It's been weeks since the cold air has touched my rough, bumpy skin.

I look around.  In the distance I see a lake.  I haven't really noticed the lake.  I didn't pay much attention to it on the walk to the lab with Leafy or when we were running from the Pains.  It feels as though it just appeared there all of a sudden. 

I saw Golfball sitting by the lake.  Me and Woody walk and sit down beside her.  GB rightfully turning her back to us.  I look at the tiny rippling waves, seeing my reflection in the cold water.  I pick up a pebble and skip it on the water.  It comes back up three times before it falls into the dark water never to be found again. 

" I never wanted to let people back in."  She finally turns around and faces us.  Her cheeks were red and her fake, robotic eye sparkled in the sunrise.  She looked like she was about to cry.  She tilts her head down and continues to talk. 

" I didn't even want to let anyone in, not leafy, not even you Teardrop. Heck, I only reason I did was because it's what Tennis ball would have wanted.  Even with Firey and even Woody, I always kept TB in mind, thinking of what he would do." She pauses, thinking. 

" Then why isn't it like that with LIY."  I say.  She looks at me and takes a deep breath in and looks out to the sunrise.  " It's because, I know TB would never forgive her or any of the Pains."

" Then why are you ok with me?" Woody asked. 

" I guess it's because, by then, I knew you didn't like or wanted to hurt anyone.  Besides, it wasn't usually you Woody who paid a visit to the cell, it was Blocky or SB.  Not even LIY."

" So then why did you freak out this morning.  You were fine before."  I hope I wasn't overwhelming her with all these stupid questions, but she insisted on answering them.

" I thought I saw LIY with a knife, I jumped to conclusions and well, here we are.  I'm sorry for being hard on her.  I know she's changing and I'm still trying to except that."

" It's ok." I say to her.  She smiles and leans her head against my shoulders, finally forgiving and excepting the hard truth.  Sure, things might not be perfect but, maybe we can move forward and put that all behind us. 

Woody puts his hand around the three of us.  I close my eyes as all my worries slip away. That is until I hear footsteps.

I look up and see feel.  Leafy. 
Her bandana was covering her mouth so you couldn't see it.  She had a knife, which she was holding above her head, about to stab GB square in the head.

" NOOOOO!!!!!"  I yell, putting my arm in the way of GB.  I squeeze my eyes as I feel the blade cut through my skin.  I open my eyes again and see the knife protrude out of the other side of my arm. 

Time feels slowed down just for a second as my now decapitated arm falls on the floor.  I see the others watch in terror as I slowly fall to the ground.  Blood shoots every direction, drenching me in my own body fluid.  It's hard to breath. 

I cycle between being unconscious to conscious in what feels like seconds. 

I see Woody throw Leafy into the lake, trying to buy some time.  I blink and the next thing I know, GB is hovering over me, talking to me. 
" TD?  TD!! You're going to be ok.  Just hang in there."   I blink again and feel Woody's soft arms around me, cradling me. He's running,  trying to get me back to the lab before it's too late.  He's crying and all I can mutter is               " Wo-Woody."  Before it all goes black once again. 

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