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Golfball's POV:

There is something that I don't trust about that girl, I just don't know what it is. It's also not like I don't want to trust her or like her, it's just that I can't bring myself to.

Half of me regrets letting LIY in, defending TD when deep down I didn't want to, I knew it was right and now, now I think I was just lying not only to TD and Firey trying to show them that I cared enough to let her in, but also to myself.

I never really wanted to let her in, in fact, I never wanted to let anyone back in. Half of me not wanting to hurt anyone else and the other half of me thinking the world was out to get me.

I don't even know why but, every time I see her smug face all I want to do is kill her and I don't know why I would think of something so morbid as that. I feel like just being a Pain is enough for me to loathe her permanently.

It's a weird sort of feeling but, whenever I lash out of her I get this sort of happiness, finally being above her. I feel like I have some sort of power against her, being able to hurt LIY in the same way she and the other two hurt me.

LIY wasn't usually the one to beat me.  It was usually SB and he was usually hurting me before he would ever lay his knife on Tennis ball.

We used to go back and forth all the time during BFDI. We were ignorant and bratty back then. Even when we were eliminated, we never stopped fighting. By the time BFB started, we became civilized enough to stop the charade and move on. We by then had separate lives and separate teams to tend to. We had new friends and new enemies and barely even talked to one another.

Most of the fights we had are gone, lost pieces of media never to be spoken about again. However, I remember one thing he said to me, one thing I'll never forget.

We were fighting one day in the TLC, the reason unknown. I then remember saying something along the lines of " You're too stupid to understand half the stuff I say."

That's when he said those words I could never forget. The words that replay in my head during long nights. The words I know so vividly that I could quote them exactly without a mistake.  " Just you wait Golfball, one day I'm gonna get back at you and you'll never see it coming."

I laugh and say " Yeah right. Like you could ever pull off a stunt such as that." The others giggle and then go back to the conversations they were having before the fight.

This may sound cruel but, bullying LIY feels like some sort of coping mechanism for me, just being able to have some sort of way to get back at the people who murdered TB.

Before Firey, I had all my feelings kinda bottled up. Hell, I didn't even feel safe talking about it to even TD. At first, I thought no one cared, until Firey showed me that that's not the case. Still, even after the incident a week ago, I've only really openly talked about this sorta stuff with him. While also trying to help him with his whole Leafy problem.

Yet through all of this, I still feel myself getting mad at LIY for no real reason. I believe LIY when she says she wants to change, it's just something deep down telling me that she's not going to.

Still, Teardrop's reasons and beliefs are justified, even if our preferences are different. I agree with her, except I still can't.

I want to trust LIY and yet all I want to do is lash out of her whenever she says she wants to change. but I guess I do owe her an apology. I exhale softly, get off the mattress and walk up the stairs.

Leafy's POV:

" learn to fight and trust no one but yourself. you're leader, only listen to the one who put you in this room........."

" learn to fight and trust no one but yourself. you're leader, only listen to the one who put you in this room........."

" learn to fight and trust no one but yourself. you're leader, only listen to the one who put you in this room........."

That's the phrase I've been hearing for what felt like months, 24/7 all day.  I haven't slept in days and the wrinkles under my eyes grow bigger.  I also haven't eaten in a while, the food basket they gave me was gone and all the food was either eaten already or too rotten to consume.  I haven't seen the sweet daylight in days and I haven't felt the cold wind touch my face in so long. 

As for TD and Golfball, they feel more like lost, forgotten friends that never really existed.  An imaginary friend of some sort.  I haven't truly thought of them in a while, even when I did, I immediately blocked them out. 

I was mad at them, but also myself.  I still can't believe that I helped Golfball up when I had a chance to run.  The old me used to be so stupid and gullible, not to mention annoying.  No wonder Teardrop wanted to leave me to die.  Plus if I wasn't so kind,  I would have been able to run. 

They probably don't even care about me either.  Besides,  even if they did, they would have at least tried to come back for me.  Especially since now they have two extra people now.  I don't see why they wouldn't immediately come back for me like how they came to the boy's rescue.

I'm all alone, no one is here for me, there's nothing left.  I try not to cry, but the tears just come out.  I wipe them off, calming down in the process. 

Eventually, the door opens for the first time in a while.  Blocky peers in, a dirty smile on his face.  " Come out my useful girl."  He says, reaching his hand out.  His voice is weirdly calm.  I walk out as the words of the recording slowly fade. 

He puts his hand on my shoulder.  " Oh Leafy, sweet Leafy.  You're ready.  Now go,get TD and the others and bring back their bodies. They never cared for you, but I do.  They would never of have come back for you and now you get to punish them for wronging you."

I feel anger build up in my body.  The only thought I had left in my mind is the cold thought of revenge. 

Blocky hands me a knife and points the way to the door.  I run out, ready to finally get the justice we deserve.

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