A sweet meal

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Me and Woody caught at least 20 of each type of fish and I was certain we were feasting like royalty tonight.  After catching the fish, we carried it back to the cozy camp site. 

Taco took the fish and put it over the fire she made for them.  I take off my bag and  sit down on one of the logs with Woody, Taco being across from us. 

" So... Those Pains you were talking about, who are they?" Taco asks us, sipping the cantine of water she collected earlier.

" Oh, um.  They were this group that kills and tortured people for power.  Blocky, LIY and Woody with Snowball being the leader of it all."

Taco spits out her water in shock.  " Wait!  Woody?  Apart of the Pains, how did he ever get into something like that!?"

Woody looks at me angry, not really liking the statement she just made.  I whisper to him "Don't get upset, you know she doesn't know." He takes a breath in and just looks to the side awkwardly. 

I try answering Taco's question.  I mean, what am I supposed to say to that.  I think for a second and then say, "We'll, the Pains aren't around anymore.  Snowball died and Woody and LIY are now on our side, trying to escape from Blocky and Leafy."

"Wait," Taco looks even more confused than before.  "Leafy?  Runner up for dream island Leafy? Nice, sweet, never hurt a fly Leafy? The same Leafy who would always try to look out for anyone she cared about?  That Leafy?"

I turn my head with a sad sigh.  " yes..."

Taco looks down, her foot moving up and down as her eyes focus on the floor, not being able to imagine Leafy like this.  " But that couldn't be her, she would never do something like that." 

"At leafy not willingly," I respond.  " She was locked up for weeks, probably what felt like months for her.  She must have..."  I pause, thinking about it for a second.  I would say that Leafy gave in, not wanting to be hurt.  Sure Leafy is easy to manipulate if you want her to be, but she would never really truly try to hurt anyone, especially not any of us, Firey being the only exception.  Something must of happened while Leafy was trapped in those walls. 

Blocky.  Blocky was the only one who was with her while she was with the Pains.  Blocky had to have said something to her, brainwash her into thinking that we were the villains in this messed up story.  That's when it hits me, brainwashing.  Blocky brainwashed that poor girl in some way or another.  I don't know how, but all I know is that Leafy would only go after us and listen to Blocky under those circumstances, otherwise it's almost impossible.

I got so caught up in the messed up thoughts that I started to shake, sweat fell from my forehead.  " TD?"  I hear Woody's sweet voice as he touches my hot hand, snapping me out of the thought.  I blink a couple of times before finally looking up at Taco once again.  She looked confused as she waited for my explanation of what happened that never came. 

Taco held out a wooden plate with a well done carp on it.  On the side were cutely carved The utensils for eating the meal.  Taco looks at me proudly as I take a bite, it didn't taste bad, like the can food we had every night, but not that good either, like the old food we ate back when the world made sense.  I expected it to be more fishy than it actually turned out to be. 

I give Taco a subtle smile of approval as her face lights up, happy with herself and the dish she made.  I eat the fish in small bites, trying to savor the food given. 

When I was done, I looked at the sky which was starting to become dark.  " What thould we do?" Woody says, finishing his plate of carp. 

" You guys can set up where you guys sleep. You can go in the tent.  I'll sleep out here and look for intruders." I put my plate down and take my bag into the tent. 

" Goodnight Taco."  I say, crawling into the cozy tent.  I see her nod as she puts out the fire with some of the water from the leftover water from the cantine. 

I unpack the bag,  I only things I had for sleeping was the blanket and the one pillow.    
Woody looks at the single pillow.  I lay down and ask, " You coming?"

" Yeah," I hear him say as he lies down beside me.  I smile at him as he puts his hand on my cheek.  He smiles back, his face becoming fuzzy as I slowly fall to sleep. 

I felt at ease sleeping in a tent again.  I felt like I was at home, like I could let my worries slip away.  I always loved sleep.  Not just because it felt nice just to relax, but it was usually an escape for me, being able to unwind and almost forget about all the stuff happening in my life. 
Good thing too, since I'll need all the replenishing I can get to prepare myself for the next days that followed. 

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