Mending the Wounds

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I sit with Woody, not looking at him,  not knowing what to say.  He then says to himself.  " wow..."  I look over to him,  his balsa cheeks turning a bright pink.  It goes silent, but not an awkward silence. 

" Well I couldn't just leave you," I begin speaking as he turns to listen.  " I've already lost Leafy and now you, too?  I couldn't just let you get captured again, not after you just got out." 

" tho you thwept me off my feet?"  He says, giggling. " I guess I did." I say, laughing along. 

" Why did you save me?" I ask.  He looks at me, not listening,  still laughing.  I repeat myself.  "Why did you save me?  You knew you would get in huge trouble.  I'm surprised they didn't kill you right then and there. You knew the consequences so why did you?"

He takes a deep breath and begins to tell the story. " well, it wath becauthe I felt bad yeth, but altho becauthe I knew you had a chanthe. I mean most of the guyth were already dead or going to die thortly, you, you on the other hand, thtill had a life to live. I wanted to thee you live, and I did it becauthe I cared and I LOVE YOU!" He pauses, his face turning red. I look at him, smiling, putting my hand on his. " just theing you cry there, I jutht, jutht I had do thomthing."

" Well, I'm glad you did." I then peck him right on the cheek. Our faces turn bright red as I say, " I love you, too." He puts his arm around me. " You thtill have that black Rothe bud I gave you."

" of course." I say, pulling it out. I give it to him. He strokes the black, wilted petals. He then begins speaking, telling the story of how he got it. " I got thith when I was thtill one of the Painth. I don't know even why I tried to join thoth jerkth. They weren't exactly the nithest to me, being the lowetht, and weaketht pain. They would make fun of me, hurt me, even when I wathn't in the dirty prithon."

" That's horrible!" I say. He looks at me, with a dark yet heartwarming smile. " Well, it wathn't all bad, at leatht, you got to be free."

I smile back at him, getting off the mattress to look at the cut he got. The knife was still in lodged in his ankle.  Blood ran down his ankle, flooding the floor. Ok, what do I do? First I pull out the knife, yanking it out of his foot.       " OW!!" He screams from the pain from the blade. " Sorry... sorry." I said, grasping the knife firmly in my hand. Blood continues pouring out, covering my feet and hands. 'Bandages.' Is say to in my head, bandages. "Be right back Woody." I say, slowly walking up the stairs, leaving a trail of bloody footprints.

I walk into the bunker and see Gb stuffing herself into her pillow while Firey just sits on the empty, made bed, watching her cry her eyes out.  I put the bloody knife in the sink and ask Golfball.  " hey Gb,  where is the first aid kit?" She mumbles something into her pillow.             " Um... What?" I respond.  She looks up,  her eyes pink,  she's covered with tears and snot runs down her nose.  " it's o-on the she-elf." She responds. " you ok?" I ask her. 
" FINE!!" She says slamming herself back on the pillow and continues to sob.  Firey looks at me as I smile awkwardly.  He rolls his eyes and continues to stair down at Golfball, looking worried for her. 

I grab the first aid kit and walk back downstairs.  I get down to woody, who is holding his wound shut with his hands.  I walk over and kneel down next to him.  I check the kit and see some Band-Aids ,  some baby wipes, toilet paper and tan bandages.  I take the Baby wipes and begin dabbing it against the bleeding cut.  " So,  what did they do to you?" I ask. 

" what do you mean?"  He asks back.  " Well what did you do to you, you know, after you let me go?" 

" Oh, horrible thtuff,  they would come by everyday, mock me. Thomtimeth they would come by with a knife and cut chunkth of my Baltha thkin.  They would never feed me and when they did, they would give me whatever wath left.  Ith wath bathically living hell."

" I figured." I say, his bleeding begins to stop.  I grab the bandages and being to wrap them around his leg.  " Good thing you got out of there."  I say.

" Yeah, good thing,  I don't think I would be able to latht that much longer."  He responds.  I tie the splint and begin to helped him stand up.  I walk with him, helping him get used to his painful cut leg.  He quickly gets used to the splint and is able to walk again pretty quickly.  I let him go and let him walk to me.  He runs up to me,  knocking me down to he floor with his giant hug.   We begin laughing as we wrap our arms around one another.  I grasp him tightly in my arms as he does the same to me.  We sit together, admiring the centerpiece above the lab. 

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