Down the stream

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" No, no, what are we gonna do. We're lotht in the middle of the woodth and Leafy ith gonna find uth and..."

Woody was having an anxiety attack, beginning to break down on the ground. He began to cry. I wipe his tears and try to console him. " Hey, hey Woody. Leafy won't get us, i'll make sure of it." I try to smile as I help him back on his feet. " We'll find the others and we'll make it to a place with no one else, no screaming prisoners, no Pains, only us and the others."

Woody's eyes begin to dry as a confident grin rises on his face. " Let'th do thith."

I nod my head back at him. I try looking around for someplace we might be able to go. Me and Woody walk for a bit, but it felt like we were walking in circles. 

That's when we spot a body of water. " Look, a thtream!" I hear Woody say, pointing to a sparkling blue body of water. We run over to the glistening river.

I kneel down, cup my hand and dip it into the water. Woody does the same. I drink the water, it tasted fresh and clean.  The both of us were taking handful and drinking the pool. We were both so thirsty from running and haven't had water in days. 

I eventually stop shoving water down my throat to say, " This water must lead to somewhere. Let's sail down!"  He looks at me strangely and says, " Teardrop? What exactly do we thail on."

I stop and think for a second, looking for something we could use as a raft. I then notice an old, fallen tree. It looked pretty old with at least 10 rings in the bark. Perfect.

I run over and slap it's bark twice. Small little particles of saw dust float around it.  It was rigged and bumpy, but defiantly sturdy. 

I try lifting it up.  The tree was pretty heavy.   Woody saw me struggling and grabbed the branches in the front.  I felt some of the weight come off and we were able to get it into the water.  Woody hops onto the tree as I continue pushing it farther and farther up the stream.  The water was cold, but felt nice after our run.

The tide caught the tree and the log began moving faster and faster.  Woody helps me up onto the tree and I sit down.  I rip two of the branches off the tree and give one to Woody.  He looks at me confused. 

" There for paddling and steering."  I say.  He smiles and response with.  " Oh cool." 

" I paddle left side, you paddle right."  I say to him,  beginning to paddle up stream.  He looks at me and copies my hand motions.  We continued paddling for some time until Woody asks " Tho Teardrop?  Where exactly do you think thith river will take uth."

To that, I respond happily " I'm not really sure.  We could come across another civilization of objects who escaped four.  Who knows?  We could even end up back in the lake near Golfball's lab."

" Well, ath long ath we don't thee leafy again,  I don't care where we end up."  I giggle,  agreeing with his statement. 

We put our sticks down and relax for a minute, taking in the sweet air and the dark, indigo sky. Sky's are darker now than before, but I like it darker than lighter.

I lay on top of Woody and dip my hand in the cold water. Woody grabbed my wrist as we felt the current against our hands. We felt the fins of fish flap their bulky fins as they slapped us. We assumed they were basses and or carps but, something felt off about the way they swam. They all swam in the opposite direction, trying to fight the current. That was the first warning, showing us that disaster was soon to come.

" HEY TD, WOODY!!!!" We hear our names called. We turn to the trees and see a girl running after our raft. She didn't look like Golfball or LIY, who I thought it was at first.

It took me a second to realize who it was. Taco, my old teammate. Her lettuce was all cut and ripped, even rotten in some areas. There was a huge whole in her lettuce, making up the eyepatch she had around her eye. She was missing her fish and her tomato was rotten.

I was shocked. Out of all the people here, I didn't expect Taco to be the one. I thought she must have been captured by now. I never saw her in the prison and so I just imagined she was one of the lucky souls who died and didn't have to withstand any more of the pain and suffering the rest of us had to go through.  No, she was very much alive. She looked fierce, but right now, she looked scared. My second and third warning both in the form of an old yet familiar face.

" TACO!!??" I yell back to her as she continued to run after us. " YEAH!!!! BUT DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!!!! WORRY ABOUT THE HUGE WATER FALL AHEAD!!!" She looses her breath and begins to slow down, but never stopping. 

I look forward and see about 20 yards ahead of us, and there was in fact a huge waterfall ahead.  Me and Woody started freaking out. We grabbed the sticks we had before and began vigorously trying to paddle in the other direction.

Taco begins catching back up with us and yells. " THOSE STUPID STICKS ARE USELESS!!!! I'LL GET YOU GUYS OUT OF HERE, JUST HANG ON!!! We began to panic even more. Me and Woody excepted our fate and excepted the fact that we would give our lives to the waterfall.

Taco sprinted ahead of us to a near by rock. She bends down and kicks the rock. It rolls into the water, ready to stop the log. I knew it would be enough to stop the ralf for a second, but not enough for both of us to get on.

The boulder was coming up and I already knew what I had to do. We a heavy heart and tears in my eyes, I kiss Woody one last time and say " Goodbye Woody," before shoving him into the rock.

He grabs on as the log bounces off the rock and floating in the other direction. He turns around with a frown and tears in his eyes. I wipe my tears and smile back at him. I excepted my death knowing Woody was safe, but Taco wasn't content with her one save.

The waterfall of death approached closer and closer and I cry out my last tears and take my last breaths.  That's When Taco begins climbing this bended tree branch to grab me.

She grabs my robotic hand and squeezes it tightly. I feel the log go over the waterfall and I'm left dangling above the falling water with Taco the only thing holding on to me. I look down and see the tree fall down the water and soon disappear into the steam.

I look up at Taco, who was sweating and struggling to keep a grip. She then flips me onto my back and onto the ground. I slam my back on the grass. I sit up immediately and see Taco starring at me, heavily breathing.

Her expression then turns from hard to soft as she helps me up. " You ok?" She asks. She helps me back onto my feet. I then hug her.

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