The Girl Lying on the ground

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It was a crisp normal morning.  All four of us were awake.  Golfball had her usual cup of coffee while Firey and Woody sat together talking about the prison.  I sat and waited, holding my head up with my hand.  I was pretty tired with half of my mind being asleep.  We then suddenly heard a big, loud siren. 

We were all startled,  GB even spilled coffee on herself.  She looked nervous as she stared at the door where the basement was.  She slowly walks to the door.  We all get up and follow her down the steps.

Golfball then turns on the monitor and sees a figure outside, passed out on the welcome mat.  Missiles pointed her right in the face.  Whoever this was looked dirty, pale, and thin.  Wait a second , " that's LIY."  I say.          

" Like Pain LIY." Woody asks. " yes."

"So what do we do?" Firey says, scared. 

" I guess we should let her in." I said.

" Are you cRAzY!!! This is a pain guard we're dealing with.  TD, I don't think it's rational to let her in."

" Yeah, but what can she do."

" TD's is right." GB adds.  " Sure, yes, we are dealing with a guard, but mind you that this guard looks scratched, dirty, and helpless.  Chances are she went rogue after she ran away, knowing what Blocky would do , but couldn't survive out here long,  probably due to the fact that she was influenced by the Pains for so long.  She most likely tried to attack again despite not have the strength to.  I say we let her in and try to heal her best we can."

" ok, and what if she tries to kill us?!" Firey argues.

" true, true, Woody, Teardrop, go get some rope and weapons from the compartment, you know where it is." GB instructs us. We nod and run up the stairs and into the apartment room.

I press the button as the secret door open, showing me all the detailed knifes GB hand crafted. 

" You thatced." I hear Woody mutter as I reach down in the second row for the rope. " I guess." I respond.

" You know that me and LIY don't really exactly get along, even before I left the painth, we had problemth. Being the lowetht when it cometh to pothitioning, thee was uthually the one to pick on me, it wath almotht a coping mechanithm for her, being that thee uthually wath the one getting picked on by the other two."

" Yeah." I say, grabbing a couple knifes in order to defend ourselves incase LIY snapped.

" It'th jutht that, theeing her again, knowing what-what thee did to me before, and jutht thinking about what thee might do to me now."

He begins to sweat, his hands shaking. He was having some type of panic attack, just thinking about the pains. I set the knives and rope down and then put my hand on his arm. His heavy breathing stops as he looks up at me.
" Listen Woody. You think I would let anyone one, especially someone like LIY, or Blocky, or even SB for that matter hurt you?"

He wipes his brow and answers with "No..."
" Exactly," I say picking up two of the knives and handing one to woody.  " If anyone tries to hurt you, I'll be there."  I say, pretending to stab someone with a knife.  He giggles a little bit and grabs the other knives and rope.  We slowly walk down the crooked steps, back down to the control room.

We get back down and see LIY laying on the bed as Firey and Golfball closely monitor her. We walk over as Woody hands them two of the metal knives as we watch LIY's eyes slowly open.

" Where am I? Snowball please? I'm sorry for sleeping on the job!!! I promise it won't happen again!!" She looks scared as she jumps up and starts pleading for her life to "Snowball."

" LIY?" I say, trying to snap her out of her trans. She looks at me, her eyes dead. Her expression then turns from scared to angry. "YOU!!" She yells jumping on top of me. We both fall to the ground.

" Well well well, if it isn't TD, the one who escaped thanks to no good trader Woody."
She tries to punch me. I try my hardest to hold her force back. She's able to break through and ends up nailing me in the nose. I smell blood as LIY continues shaking me, slamming the back of my head into the metal ground.

"GET OFF OF HER!!!" I hear Woody cries as he jumps on top of LIY and begins rolling around on the floor like fighting dogs. I grab the rope as Woody pins her down with his hands. LIY kicks Woody off of her, flipping him to his back.

Me and Firey grab LIY's arms as she shouts at Woody. " And you, You TRADER!! Good seeing you with TD again. I can't believe you left us, after all we gave you, we took you in, we could have just left you, left you to die but no. We decided to help you and THIS IS THE THANKS WE GET!!!"

I tie LIYS hand together as blood drips down my nose and onto the floor. Woody stands up, scared. " LIY pleathe, calm down." We drag her back as she tries to get free, continuing to yell at Woody. " CALM DOWN, CALM DOWN!!!! After YOU ran away and where do I find you? In bossy bot's lab with the winner himself and the escapist. Not to mention sweet and stupid Leafy.  Thankfully Blocky was able to capture her. 

We tie LIY to a pipe as she tries to struggle free. I lick the remaining blood off my lips as I stare at LIY as she screams and tries to escape. I run over to Woody. I kiss his forehead as he holds my head.

" C'mon, let's go upstairs." GB says as her and Firey begin walking up the stairs. We follow them. " GO AHEAD, TRY TO WALK AWAY!!! WALK AWAY LIKE YOU ALWAYS DID!!! YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR....."

That's when the door shuts and we hear LIY's yells turns into mumbles.

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