Waking up to a suprise

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I wake up in Woody's bed. Woody is tightly squeezing my hand, a warm expression on his face. I remember coming into his bed the night before while he was getting one of his nightmares.

I slowly get up, letting go of Woody's tight grip.  I'm about to go downstairs to check on LIY, you know, see if she's ok.  To be honest,  I'm worried about her.  Sure she attacked me but it's not like I can blame her, she came from a place of violence and murder.  I guess she's just used to attacking her fears. 

I'm about to walk down the stairs when I notice  something in the corner of my eye. I look over and see something in my bed.  I walk over, only to see LIY sleeping, the covers rapped around her leg with a red stain on it. 

I fall back, confused and scared.  I then trip and fall onto Woody, landing right on his chest.  " TD?" He says, sitting up and letting me fall into his legs. 
" What happened?"

I sit up and point to my bed, sweating.  " LI-LIY's sleeping i-in my bed."  I say, stuttering.  Woody's face turns pale and he begins to sweat almost as much as me.  " L-LIY."  He says back to me. 

" Looks like it." 

" But, how did the...".

" I don't know how she escaped, but she for sure did."  I'm not surprised that she escaped.  Knowing her, I knew she would at least try to untie the ropes.  What really puzzles me is the fact that she didn't try to attack us when she had the perfect chance to. 

Me and Woody go to the top bunks to wake up Golfball and Firey and show them the body sleeping in the bed. 

" but HOW!!?"  GB yells, shocked and surprised.  I cover her mouth and say " shhhh, the last thing you want to do is wake HER up" Golfball pulls away from my hand. We all stare at LIY, wondering what to do, except Firey was the first one to say something about it. 

" So what do we do?"

"I don't know, but we got to do thomthing."

" I mean we could try tying her to the bed."

" yeah but then we have to move her in her sleep."

" oh, the'th gonna wake up and the'th gonna try to kill us."

"Woody, relax.  She won't wake..."

That's when we hear the covers shake as her eyes slowly open. We all stand back. Woody get behinds me and grabs my shoulder. "Wha-what?" She mumbles as she slowly sits up.

" LIY?" I say to her, putting my fists out, prepared to get tackled again. She looks over to us. " AHHGG!!"  She screams, jumping and putting her back against the cold, metal wall.

"You ethcaped." Woody says from behind me. I feels his hands shake as his palms become hot, making my shoulder sweaty.

" What? A yeah. I mean, of course I did." LIY answered. She seemed confused, like she didn't really know what was going on.

" What happened to your leg?" Firey asks, his finger pointing in her direction.

Her expression changes from a confused glare to an angry defensive one. " What's it to you?! Move!!" She pushes us out of the way and gets up from the bed, the blanket falling off her leg.

LIY almost immediately falls to the ground. She holds her leg, in obvious pain. Me and Firey take her hands and wrap it around our backs to try to help her stand.

" Get off of me!!" She yells, breaking out of our grip.  LIY quickly looses her balance again and lands on the ground, back first. 

I turn around and see two things. 
1:  GB smiling.  She looks happy for some weird  reason.  I know that Golfball doesn't exactly like LIY, but it's still kinda messed up that she's half enjoying the fact that LIY keeps on falling onto the ground like some sort of idiot.
2:  Woody standing right behind GB, his eyes wide and his brow wet.  Woody has been getting like this ever since LIY came yesterday.  It's like as if he's always on the tip of his seat, waiting for her to jump on him again.

" Get the bandages." I say to them.  GB nods, snapping out of her smiling state.  Woody follows her closely.

Me and Firey pick up LIY again and brings her down the stairs.  All while she whines and fights, shouting profanities right to our face. She tries kicking us away as we try our best not to let go.

We eventually set her down on the mattress. Woody soon follows and hands us some bandages. Him and Firey then walk back up the stairs, leaving me with LIY who at this point, has almost given up and was just sitting there, watching the floor, not even attacking. 

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