The red bandanna

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Leafy's POV:

I'm a horrible horrible person!!!! I feel so bad, I JUST STABBED ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS!!! In doing so, now I see the monster that they describe me as. I let greed and justice take the better of me when all I really wanted was to join them once again, now I think that I never can.

I stabbed Golfball and pushed her aside, leaving the others in shock.  I then look down at my mess and see my reflection in the cold blood.  I see me, but as a cold killer.  That's when I think to myself, 'Is this what I've become, a cold killer?'

I fled, feeling guilty and angry at myself.  I ran to the lake and cried.  I saw my reflection once again in the frozen ice.  I was such a mess of emotions, I couldn't think straight and there's no one there to help me because I was infected with entitlement and in doing so, was turned into the villain.  

Eventually, I heard my friends coming and ran into a bush.  I soon found out it was to send GB off.  I sat and waited for them to leave, which meant I had to sit through all of the eulogies.

At first, they weren't so bad. I wasn't really phased by Woody's Taco's and LIY's. It wasn't that I didn't care or believe them it's just that it felt like they didn't care as much.

I thought it was just a matter of listening, until we got to Firey. Once he began talking, I immediately started to cry. With every word, every sentence, I began to feel worse and worse. All the stuff he said about GB and him hit me hard, mostly because it's stuff I caused. I take my bandana and wipe my tears, but then look at it for a second, and remember what happened 3 years ago.

It was a somewhat nice day and the Pains were recently established. Me and Firey were near the base and started to fight.

I don't remember why we were fighting, I blocked that out of my memory. But I remember saying, " I hope those Pains take you away and lock you up for the rest of your days, serves you right!"

He then said to me, " If you feel that way then why don't you just leave!!" To which I said, " FINE!!!" And walked off.

I went into the woods and cried for a bit, feeling sorry for myself. Eventually, I started to feel bad about what I said and went back.

When I returned, he was gone, only the red bandanna sitting on the ground. That night I cried more than I've ever cried before.

Days felt like weeks without him and time moved slowly. People started to disappear more often, a sign that the Pains were gaining ground, but I would never let them truly take Firey.

So for the next 2 years, I tried my hardest to get him back, but it never worked. I would either chicken out or get caught. The Pains would chase me for days on end, but they would always be too slow to catch me.

One day they came really close. I was running though some tall grass when I tripped on a rock and fell in. When I hit the ground, I felt a large rock hit my head, knocking me out cold. I don't know how long I was out for, but the next thing I know, TD is dragging my body through the grass.

By now, everyone has left.  I left my hiding spot and sat near the lake, where the whole was cut.  I sat down, digging my finger into browny, green dirt. 

" Hey, Um, GB."  I paused, wanting her to answer when I know she never will.  " I sighed and just said,  " I'm sorry for killing you, I hope you can forgive me and I hope you are happier."

I look down at my bandanna and take it off.       " This red bandanna used to be Firey's.  I've been keeping it safe for him.  I believe you two were very close and, although he may never forgive me, he would probably want you to have this." 

I then put the bandanna down in a curve and walked away.  I felt somethings I haven't felt in a while.  I felt relaxed, relieved, happy. 

( A/N: Sorry the chapter is so late.  I originally did this on computer and it didn't save so I had to write it over.  Also sorry for any typos because I'm not editing this one.)

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