A Time to Leave

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I woke up to the sound of a drill.  I felt restless and weak. There was a soft grip I could feel grasping on my left hand.  I look over and see Woody, Firey and LIY, the three of them were crying.

" Don't worry, you're gonna be ok. Jutht hang in there." Woody says smiling, tightening the grip on my hand.

The drilling noise stopped and I hear Golfball say.  " There, Good as new TD. I see your awake. Look at your arm, tell me what you think."

That's when I remember what happened, what happened to my arm. I look at it and all I see is a robotic replacement where my old arm used to be. I notice a red liquid moving through the arm, my blood. I move my fingers with each joint making a squeaking sound.

I sit up and put the hand on my head.  I can barely speak.  All I can mutter out is.  " It's remarkable." 

GB nods and says " Yes, besides metal knives,  I also made robotic parts.  It's surprisingly calming and it helped me take my mind off of, you know." 

I slide off of the table.  It's a little harder to balance, but I can still walk.  I sit down on the bed.  I wanted to go back to sleep,  I was tired and my chest hurt even more with every breath I took. 

Everyone stared at me,  all of them looking like they wanted to say something to me.  The four of them looked nervous as they tried to look me straight in the eye.  I stared at them back, confused.  What's wrong?  What can't they tell me? 

" Teardrop." Golfball finally says.  " We can't stay here."   

I look at them even more confused than before.  "I figured."  I say.  " I mean Leafy's back and she's not on our side anymore so, yeah."  I don't know why they had to keep something like that from me.  I never particularly loved the dusty lab, even if it's really a impressive.  I always thought it was so boring,  there wasn't really much to do, just talk and wait.   I'm not too sad about leaving it behind. 

" We pack tonight, then go to bed.  We leave tomorrow morning". Firey says.  Everyone goes to their bunk and begins to think of stuff to pack. 

"Tonight?"  But I fainted when the sun was rising.  " How long was I out for?" 

" Almotht the whole day."  Woody says, worried.  A whole day?  That's long to be out for.  Woody gives me a suitcase and puts his hand on my shoulder,  a sort of, 'hang in there' type gesture. 

I go back to my bed.  I don't really have any belongings with me since all of my supplies are back at my small, little campsite.  Back with my small logs and put out campfire.  Back with my tent built to barely fit two. 

All I can think of packing is a knife and some rope.  My blanket and pillow I'll pack in the morning.  I decide to go to bed, tired.  I almost immediately fall asleep. 

Golfball's POV:

It's sad to leave my lab once again.  I remember when I first got out of the Pain's prison,  I made the lab to be a shelter and a place to stay.  I remember building countless machines here, some of which were of good use, such as my robotic eye and even TD's new artificial limb. 

It will be hard to pack up and leave this lab.  As for supplies,  I pack rope, a couple of knives and the medical kit full of bandages.  I look on the counter for other things to get when I notice the picture frame with the photo of me and TB.  I take it and slip it into the bag. 

Firey's POV: 

I never really liked the lab all that much.  It's dark and the only real light besides my flame, were the lava lamps.  It was also really boring.  We barely did anything here except sit around and talk all day as Golfball drank her coffee. 

Though,  it will be tough to leave behind.  A side from all the boring nothing that happened it was nice to talk and relax for a while after I've been rotting for a cell for what felt like eternity. 

My favorite memory however, is the day when I stopped Golfball from ending her life.  It was the day that we both realized that we don't have to go through our struggles alone, that there are people to help us through.  It sounds bitter sweet, but it's true.  After that, she would always thank me for stopping her and would say that I would save her.  I didn't know why she would say that.  It's weird to me since I always would see it as GB rescuing me.   Strange.

Woody's POV:

I don't have really anything I particularly wanted to pack.  Mainly because I didn't really have any belongings for me to take.  Plus, most of the stuff that I would need, TD has probably packed already. 

I'll miss this place a lot.  Today's my last night here and I'm already starting to tear up.  I had a lot of great memories here.  All the times I talked with the others, all the times with TD, all of them feel like a reality to me.  Now, I don't know how to leave it behind. 


I don't have anything to pack, but I would like to bring the knife I had.  I reach under the bed and get it.  I slipped it under when Golfball saw me.  I didn't want to look suspicious, even though she would never trust me anyway. 

It's the only thing I have left of my past life as a Pain.  The only thing I got from them was the knife and was my only status symbol.  The only reason I was beloved above Woody was because of that passed down knife.  If I didn't have it, then I would be on the same level as the prisoners for the reason alone that I was a woman. 

SB and Blocky were always sexist towards me, being the only girl Pain.  They always think that I couldn't get my hands dirty and I was just another object to them.  Not only that, but being the former team leader of Death P.A.C.T also made me targeted. 

I hated it.  Now, because of me, we have to leave this beautiful lab.  Golfball probably hates me even more for that alone.  What can I say? I can't blame her. 

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