Lifted spirits

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Life soon became better for all of us. It became sweeter and it became more peaceful. There was some sort of shift that occurred. It felt like life was finally back to the way it used to be.

First of all, Firey seemed better overall. He seems healthier and happier. His flame was brighter and bigger than any of us had ever seen it. It might have something to do with that big talk Firey and Golfball had.

It was about 11 o' clock and me and Woody were up, talking, both wondering one burning question: where was Firey and Golfball? After a while we decided to do some investigating. We went down stairs and peered our heads from behind the metal door. Thankfully, there they were, talking up a storm. They both seemed really happy, especially compared to last night, which was good. Not wanting to interrupt, me and Woody headed back up the stairs, though the hallway with the glowing lava lamps.

Second of all was GB. She looked so much better, just like Firey. She looked happy. She even decided to come tell us what has been going on, last night.  I remember every word she said, each syllable echoing through my head. She spoke clearly and I could make out everything. 

" There's been something going on. You all know that TB died so that I could be free that led to the creation of this lab. But, what you all didn't know was that he was still hanging there when I got back. Not only that but, Blocky was there, too, mocking his dead body. I was so, destroyed and so done after that. I just felt like, I was the problem and that the world would be good again if I just... left. I wanted to kill myself and I almost did, until Firey stopped me. He showed me that I wasn't alone and that there are people there for me. I've felt better ever since and feel especially good coming out to you guys, so thank you.

A smile then arises on her face. The smile was so sweet and so real, not one of those fake smiles you would put on for a school picture.  No,  this smile was a real smile coming from a real O.K.  person. 

Woody also seemed better.  His limp finally went away and was instead replaced with fluent walking.  Though, he still prefers to grab my hand whenever we walk.  I don't really mind though, it's kinda cute. 

The days were starting to get better.  They went from bad, to ok, then back to bad, then good, then great all the way to yesterday which was probably the best night of my life.

So,  it was late at night.  Firey and GB were already sleeping soundly.  Me and Woody were instead up, talking and what not.  He then stands up and walks in front of me.  He looked nervous, yet eager to tell me something.  He covered his eyes and began to mumble.  " I know Thith ith a thtretch but ummm.....". He paused for a really long time, trying to think of the words to say. 

" Come dance with me". He then says,  holding his hand out.  At first, I don't know what to say.  Without saying a word, I just take his hand as she pulls me closer in.  He grabs my other hand and leads me all around the room.  Our feet move in perfect unison as we box step all around the floor. 

He then twirls me in a perfect circle.  His face looked so calm and so excited as smiles arose on his face.  Me however, unprepared, began to fall backwards.  Half of me thought for a split second that this was it,  this is where I stumble and mess up just like I-  

Until he wraps his hands around my waist, not letting me hit the ground.  We both begin to giggle and press our foreheads against each other's.  He then pulls me in closer, puckering his lips.  He then kissed me.  My face lit up as stars began to glow in my eyes.  My first kiss. 

A week past since the break in and as you can see, life was starting to become better for all of us.  We felt better as the days went by.  We all started to believe that this was it, this is where the story would end, this is where we would live happily ever after.  We all thought that, until she once again showed up on our doorstep. 

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