The Night Before

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" Ok, so why do you want to break into the Pain's base?"  Golfball asked, laughing along with us, sipping on her now cold coffee. 

" Well, I want to save Woody."
" And I want to save firey."   Leafy says nodding along with me . 

" Really?  Them?  Well, alright, but...  oh who am I to judge.  I'd probably save Tennis ball,  well, if he was still alive."   GB's  tone changes, becoming more sad, thinking about him. 

" I mean, how do you even know he's still alive?" She asks. 

" a dream." I say confidently.  Though, saying it now,  it's sounds kinda stupid. 

" A dream?" She says, laughing at the silly thought, her tone changing once again.  Golfball seems more giggly and outgoing than usual.  Maybe it's coping?  The new her? Or maybe she has a lot of the energy because of the coffee.  I feel like we all misjudged her over the years.  I guess Golfball is one of those people who you have to get to know before you learn to like them cause deep down,  they're better on the inside than on the outside.

" Stupid. I know." I say, half telling myself and half telling Leafy and GB.

" Not necessarily.  It depends, what happened?"

I try to explain to them the dream I had the night before, trying to recall every part.  I tell them about what woody told me, how he's counting on me in stuff.  I can't get it out of my head.  It's bad enough that he's in the chains that I should be in, Now he's counting on me to break those chains?  As I talk,  Golfball nods along taking mental notes, while Leafy enjoys the story,  munching on a granola bar GB had lying around. 

" I see."  Golfball says nodding along. 

" Maybe it was a fever dream?"  Leafy suggests, with a bite of granola in her mouth. 

" No, it couldn't of been." 

" Then maybe it was just a normal dream."

" Maybe."

GB and Leafy go back and forth while I sit there, thinking about Woody, about what he might be doing right now.  Most likely sitting in a cell all alone,  Snowball and the other bullies taunting and torturing him.  It should of been me,  hanging from those same chains.  It should be me, being taunted by the Pains.  He doesn't deserve this.  The only crime he committed was having a heart and a soul.  He never deserved to be treated this way by the Pains,  none of the prisoners there do.   I almost feel bad, leaving most of the people trapped in the cell.  I wish we could save all of them.  Maybe killing SB is the ticket to their freedom.  Blocky and LIY still might have some conscience left in the pit of their chest, even if it's a little.  Though,  I doubt they would snap, after years of this lifestyle.

" What do you think Teardrop?"   Leafy asks,  looking up at me,  expecting me to know the answer to the dream I had last night.  Golfball and Leafy stare up at me,  expecting me to spit out an answer.    I begin to stutter, trying to make up one.  " well, I don't, Maybe it was a normal dream, a collection of memories?"

They both look at me confused, like I just spoke my answer in a totally different language.  We then all randomly burst out into laughter for now reason.  Even I was snorting along, tears coming down my cheeks. 

We all began to settle down, wiping our tears of laughter and getting up off the grown from laughing too hard. 

" Oh yeah, there's something I want to show you guys."  Golfball goes over to the sink and turns the nob around three turns.  A hidden door then opens ups, leading to a closet of nothing but metal knives.  Dull,  sharp,  big bladed, small bladed, daggers and throwing,  all handmade.  I look at Golfball, remembering her psychotic smile from before and hoping this had no relation to that.  " This is my knife collection.  I've made all of these from scratch.  They kinda helped me cope with Tennis ball's death.  I never thought they would come in handy so I locked them in here. But I guess now they can be used to help us defeat the pains.

I grab two knives off the shelf. One was really thin, almost like a bobby pin, designed to break into places. The other one I grabbed was way sharper, probably hurts like hell. PERFECT. It'll take out snowball easily.

I look up at Golfball, carrying a rope.
"Thank's for the knives GB." Leafy cheerfully says, fiddling with the knife that could easily cut her hand clean off. Golfball nods as she sips the last sip of her coffee before tossing it in the sink.

The rest of the night was filled with discussion over our plans to infiltrate the Pain's base.

Our plan is simple: We get to the pain's base on foot. There, we climb up the side using the rope that Golfball provided us. Once on the roof, we tie the rope around my waist and lower me down into their office. I then use the knife to stab snowball, killing him in the process. I then give leafy and Golfball the all clear. Me and Leafy then go and rescue firey and woody while GB is on lookout, making sure the pains aren't coming our way. Once we have the boys, we get the hell out of the maroon prison, undetected. It's quick, simple, and easy.

We begin to get tired as our eyes try to fall asleep. With a big day ahead, we all decide to hit the hay. Leafy calls one of the bunks up top, Golfball goes under while I take the top bunk on the right. We say our goodnights and head to bed.

Within 5 minutes, Leafy is asleep, snoring her loud snore. Even Golfball is out cold. She must've been really tired, probably pulling an all nighter the night before.

I lay in bed not being able to fall asleep. I don't understand, I'm just as tired as the other two, so why can't I fall asleep? Excitement? Fear? Worry?

It's like the night before the first day of school. You never know why but you can't seem to get your stupid eyes shut. You think it's just worry and excitement ( despite it being school). You toss and turn, pulling the covers on and off, trying to get into a comfortable position. Except your arm is never in a convenient place for sleeping so you continue to flop around your bed until you're in the only position comfortable which takes up your entire bed.

I squeeze my eyes shut, only seeing a black. Eventually the black fades and the scene is set.

I'm on the platform along with snowball. The winning team is voting on who gets to join their team. It's all tied up, leaving pencil. She picks Snowball, treating me with the TLC. Except this time, instead of just falling into the metal box, I fall into a black hole. I'm trapped in my thoughts. I hear the sounds I know so well. Woody's screaming, Leafy's chatter, SB and Blocky's red rum, all seeming so familiar. The sounds soon fade, the only voice was Golfballs, saying " wake up, TD? Wake up!"

I snap back into reality. I hold my head as I try to sit up.   " You ready TD." Leafy says at the foot at my bed.  " As ready as I'll ever be." I respond, jumping out.  I've already lost to SB once, I'm not going to lose at the likes of him again.

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