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The way home felt long and anything BUT silent.  In fact,all I could hear was noise that no one cared to hear.  Just noise that I didn't care
to listen to.  Noise that made me go insane every second that it was present.  I don't even know what leafy was even talking about,  all I heard was gibberish that I tried to zone out.  Hell, I don't even remember what I was thinking about, but hopefully were quiet, nice, and not filled with leafy

Finally, we make it back to my camp site, and just before sun down, too.  I begin to light a fire with a match as leafy looks around my little camp.

" I really like what you've done with the place." She says. 'what place?' I sarcastically think to myself. 'do you mean the fire and rabbit hide tent? Because it ain't that amazing.'

I know I'm being a little harsh but, what choice do I have? These days, I don't trust anyone. I've never trusted anyone and why should I? All that's gotten me was suffering. The ones I that " had my back" turned their's and left me to rot and the one REAL true I might not ever see again. I know Leafy's intentions are good and kind, but, I feel like it's all an act, all the a mask to cover up her real side.

Leafy then sits down next to me, breaking my train of thought. I look at her, my eyes dead and serious. But, then I see her eyes, droopy and sad. " I get it..." she begins. " too chatty."

Ugh!!!! Now I made her feel bad. Why, WHY? Why can't I just communicate better? Why am I like this? Why can't I do anything right.

" you see..." Leafy begins, grabbing a twig from the ground and beginning to draw little stick figures. " you and me are very different. You don't talk and talking is all I ever do. Hey, why don't you talk anyway. I'm not making fun of anything, just out of curiosity."

I roll my eyes and grab the stick out of her hand. Then, I begin to write a sentence I carved in the ground. I then finish and point to my writing.

" I don't really like my voice that much. I choose other ways of communication. I don't really like talking about it, since, I don't like to talk."

" oh, ok."  She says.  No comment.  No obnoxious story. No nothing.  Just ok.  An ok that felt sincere.  An ok that said all.  An ok that told me that leafy accepts the reason I have,  despite it not being the best one. 

I begin to write again, this time asking a question myself. 

" what happened with firey?"

" Firey, huh?  Well um...."

Her face shifts to a sad frown as her green eyes close.  I put her arm on her shoulder, almost saying to her ' it's ok, I'm here, you can talk.'  She then takes my hand off her shoulder and begins to speak.

" Firey and I used to be very close,  you knew that already.  But then, I made a horrible mistake:  I stole dream island from him.  You know, I wish I never did that, I wish that I was thinking straightly in those moments, I wish that I wasn't so selfish.   The others were furious and they had the right to be.  I mean, you know what happened , you were one of those people.  Hell, you guys even tried to crush me alive, seeking justice.  I thought I was going to die but, firey saved me.  The rest was a blur, but I remember running and eventually, ending up in Yoyal land.   It took days to get back and when I did, firey didn't even recognize me.  It's like I was erased from his memory and now,  now he's trapped in a cell,  awaiting his flame to bu-burn out.  I-I ju-ust wish I -I cou-could tell him tha-that I-I lo-loved hi-him."

Leafy's eyes fill up with tears as she collapse onto the ground.  Her tears form a puddle,  a pool almost, of tears of regret, suffering and torture.  I almost feel bad for leafy.  Besides, our struggles aren't very different.  We've both been emotionally injured by the Pains who have taken away to ones we love.  It's makes us question why we continue or who cares if we do?

I put my arm on leafy, trying to comfort her.  She then sits back up,  whipping her tears.    
" I'm sorry.  I know I-I'm over reacting but, it's all my fault."

I pick back up the stick and begin to write a response. 
"But, it's not your fault, it's the stupid pains."

"I guess.  But it still feels like my doing."

I clench the stick in my hand.  How? Why?  But...   it's not your fault.  I know what I thought, about leafy,  but I can't help but feel bad for the kid.  Feeling bad for her,  trying to correct her mistakes only to be crumpled up like paper and thrown away. 

Leafy looks up at the dark sky,  mouthing the world 'please'  to the stars.  Tears begin  to form in her eyes again. 

" it's getting late, we should probably head to bed."  She says, wiping the forming tears."  I begin to crawl into my tent,  holding it open.  She looks at me and looks down at the fire.  " I'll sleep out here tonight."   I nod and close my rabbit hide tent. 

I look up,  pondering, thinking,  not being able to sleep.  Finally my eyes close as my worries slip away.

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