start it all over again..

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"thank you" my mom says as she pays the taxi driver and gently closes the car door..

"well, i guess we are home maddi.." my mom states as she starts walking down the pathway towards our new home..

i take a deep breath as i turn around and stare at 'old creek manner'. My mom thought it would be great moving to a completely different town in the middle of no where, i guess i cant blame her though.. she has gone through a lot.. dad died a couple months ago- well- i shouldn't say died, more like 'was murdered'. and mom thought she could run away from the pain.. so here i am in front of 'old creek manner' my new house..

it looks like mom and i will have to do alot of work on order to mantain it though.. its quite big, but super old. the cream coloured paint is even starting to come off the walls as vines make its way up towards the roof.. the front door is big and wooden with a giant golden loop in the middle of it, i guess its the knocker thing you always see in scary movies.. i wonder if this town even has movie theatres?

the door creeks open and i am totally flubergasted.. the house came fully furnished so none of my old belongings are here.. there is a big living room with black leather couches and a big flat screen, and the kitchen i also quite big..

"maddi, please go up to your room and unpack your clothes then do me a favour and run down to the store to get some food and whatnot." my mom says as she walks through the living room putting down many different picture frames to costumise the house abit..

"sure mum" i smile and head up stairs..

yeah, i act like an angel.. but thats just towards my mom because she is all i have left.. i am no angel, far from it actually.. i will never let someone walk over me. and if i see someone getting bullied i would definatly stand up for them.. the reason i detest bulling is because i was also a victim of bullying but just before my dad passed he told me to stand tall and never let anyone bring you down.. because your life is way too short..


i have just finished unpacking my closet, my room isnt too spectacular.. there is a blown desk in the corner and a white king sized bed in the middle of the room, the best part of my bedroom is that there is a giant window and infront of the window there is a couch.. the window allows the perfect breaze to enter my room..

"mum, im going to the store sooo, i kinda need money' i giggle as my mom chuckles along and hands me her card.. "do you no where to go?" my mom questons "yes, i remember going past it when we arrived its just a 10 minute walk" i say as i exit my house to start my journey to the store..

the items i buy are enough to only fill one bag because all i really needed to buy was supper.. mom will probably buy everything when she gets her car tomorrow.

the cold wind makes my hair fly in all diferrent directions so i fasten my pace but i cant help feel like there is someone watching me. i put down my parcel so  can tie up my hair.. a small giggle followed by a 'shut up' comes from a dark alley, which makes me whip my head to the alley and walk a couple steps towards it, squinting my eyes so it can adjust to the darkness..

slowly a figure starts to form though the dark, it looks as if someone is leaning over someone else.. then it dawns on me that im probably ruining a really sexual momenet between these to people and quickly try and turn and walk away, but as im walking i step on half a glass bottle causing it to shatter and the couple to break apart..

"im so sor-" i was in the middle of apoligising when my eyes locked with a pair of green ones, he was quite tall and had a head full of curls styled up in a quiff type of hairstyle.. is lips parted as he starred at me, he looked at me and slowly i saw his gorgeous eyes move down my body and back up agian making me feel uncomfortable..

"have we meet before? because i dont remember seeing a fit bird like you around" i would be completely turned on by his deep voice, but i felt disguisted at the words he said.. why would he say that 5 minutes after he was hooking up with another girl? what a pig!

"no we havent meet before, thank god" i reply coldly as i walk away and grab my bag to continue my journey back home..    

old creek manner (harry styles ) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now