LadyNoir - Heartbeat

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But my heart's still on fire
With a burning desire
I wish that you would love me
Just like yesterday, don't let go of this hand ever again
And every time my heart beats
Match your steps so you don't wander around ever again

-Heartbeat, BTS

Ladybug's P.O.V.

"Let go of me!" I screeched, as a new villain named Octopus dangled me upside down. From what I had heard, it was a captain whose ship had sunken before she could even set it out to sea. She had taken the form of an octopus. I was already exhausted trying to dodge all eight of her tentacles, but she had finally caught me.

The world was spinning, and I saw the captain laughing at me until I heard a familiar and comforting voice. "Hey, Octopus!" I felt myself sway in mid-air, as the villain turned to face the owner of the voice.

Chat Noir.

"Hey, Octopus!" He repeated to ensure he had gotten her attention before continuing. "What's got your tentacles in a twist?"

With this, Octopus shrieked in anger and bolted at him, dropping me in the process. I had regained my integrity though and was able to catch myself before hitting the ground.

Octopus was extremely quick, and Chat Noir was just a whisker short from getting hit. Octopus instead was not able to stop herself from going so fast, so she crashed into a building. Rubble and concrete flew in all directions. "Wow!" Chat remarked in a giddy and carefree manner, as if his life had not just been at risk.

"Chat Noir, focus!" I yelled back to him. He glanced over at me and gave me a cheeky grin before bounding over.

"Hello, my Lady! How are you?" He greeted me in his usual cheerful attitude, not minding the extremely dangerous situation. His eyes sparkled as if he was a child who had just walked into a candy store. Sometimes I wish I could be that carefree.

I greeted him back with a warm smile. "I'm great, but I will be better when we take care of this." I said, motioning towards Octopus who was regaining strength and pulling herself out from under the scattered rubble.

"Where's her akuma?" Chat Noir asked. It had become a normal for him to say this.

I looked around while feeling anxiety build in my chest; I watched the villian's silhouette becoming bigger and bigger as she grew closer and faster. "There!" I pointed my index finger at the area just a little below her neck where a shell necklace was dangling loosely, swaying violently with every heavy step Octopus got closer.

Chat Noir only nodded before springing to action. We both sprinted toward Octopus, leaping forward. Ready to conquer the world together.

After about twenty minutes of non-stop fighting and our usual use of our powers - Cataclysm and Lucky Charm, we finally were able to stop Octopus. I watched with pure happiness when I saw the villain suit dissolve to reveal the captain, kneeling on the pavement.

I went to help the akumitized villain up with a gleeful smile, informed her what had happened, and then told her where she should go for help. I laughed at the sudden realization we had taken down Octopus and threw my hands up in the air in celebration, as I looked around for my partner.

"Chat Noir! Chat Noir! We did it-"

My eyes landed on a motionless figure on the ground. "Chat Noir?" I questioned, my voice about to break. 

I do not believe - no, I refuse to believe it.

A - his - body was laying on the ground, obviously unconscious. "Chat Noir!" I involuntarily screamed, and my feet were automatically carrying myself over to him.

My knees gave out once I reached him, and I cupped his face in my hands. "Chat Noir!" I shook his head, trying to find any sort of life still left inside of him. 

"Chat Noir!" My voice grew louder and louder with each call but also more broken.




I am not going to lose you.

Not now.

My throat became dry, as a lump grew. Hot tears started to well up in my eyes.

A strong grip grabbed onto my hand, removing it from shielding my face. 


At the sound of the voice, I felt even more tears fall from my eyes from happiness, relief, and every emotion in between. "I'm right here," I reassured him softly, putting my other hand on top of his hand holding mine.

I felt his body shake as he tried to chuckle, but he was unable to get any noise out. "Don't cry for me, my Lady," he responded, his eyes still having that playful sparkle despite the pain he was in.

I gave him a small nod. He reached for me, pushing the hair out of my face and wiping my tears. I smiled at the sweet action and helped him get to his feet.

"I'm so happy you're okay," I said with a small relieved chuckle before saying in a serious tone. "I thought you had-" I paused, not able to finish my sentence.

Suddenly, he gripped me and brought me close to him. My ear pressed against his chest, as I flinched from the sudden contact.

I heard him mumble in a hoarse voice, obviously still in pain from the fight. "Do you hear my heartbeat?"

I was only able to nod; I was afraid if I spoke that my voice would break. He apparently felt my head bob up and down against his chest, because he half-heartily chuckled in a soft tone. "Focus on my heartbeat."

I did as he said. I listened the steady, rhythmic pounding of his heart.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

His heartbeat brought great comfort. After listening to it for almost a minute in silence, I could do nothing but smile. I released the breath I did not even realize I was holding in.

It was still pumping.

It was still moving.

He was still alive.

His presence brought me peace after all the hardships, not only from this fight but ones in the past and inevitable ones in the future. I giggled and wrapped my arms around him.

"You hear that?"

I nodded.

"I'm not going anywhere."

I do not know how long we stayed like that, but I knew I was not going to let him go again.

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