LadyNoir - I Will Help You

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Chat's P.O.V.

I plopped down beside Ladybug on the bench. We were directly beneath the Eiffel tower. Cliché, I know, but it was a pretty and convenient spot for us. "Hello, my Lady," I greeted my partner, but she merely shrugged in acknowledgement.

"Hey, kitty," she said in a monotonous, dull voice. I looked down at her fingers. They were laid upon her lap, but they were working. Well, fiddling was a better word for it.

"What's wrong, Bugaboo?" I asked, my ears turning in curiosity. "Are you alright?"

Ladybug flinched when I asked her what was wrong, but then her muscles relaxed once more. "Sadly, yes, but you can't do anything to help, Chat." Her voice was emotionless - almost dead.

My ears fell in response. "Well, could you, at least, tell me what's wrong?" I asked, hoping Ladybug wouldn't send me away.

The spotted heroine finally gave up, I guessed, because she finally gave off a big sigh, swallowed her pride, and turned to me. "Okay," she answered roughly, but something was softer about her voice. It sounded as if a weight was being lifted off her shoulders.

I finally looked her dead in the eyes, and realized something - she was crying. Glistening tears looked strange on her face. I was always so used to seeing her being the hero, confident and happy, but she obviously had a more damaged side.

"Um, today, I told my," Ladybug gulped, "crush that I loved him today, but it didn't exactly go as planned." At that moment, I felt my heart crack and my stomach drop. Crush? I thought, frowning. How could everything go wrong so fast?

"Oh," was all Chat was able to choke out. Ladybug sighed, moving her eyes back to the glittering Eiffel tower. "I will help you in any way I can, my Lady," I finally replied, hoping to sound more confident than I was at the moment, but it's hard to be confident when you've basically had your heart broken into a million pieces.

"Thank you, Chat," Ladybug replied, sounding a little cheered up. She's happy, I told myself. That's all that matters.

I quickly put on a forced smile to unsuccessfully hide my hurting heart. "You're welcome," I said. "Anytime."

Ladybug stared at me as if she wanted to say something, but she ended up just saying, "Alright." She got up from her spot, making me stand up as well. "Thank you for that, Chat," she said, pulling me into a hug.

It took me a couple seconds before I hugged her back. At that moment, it didn't feel right. Now I knew she wasn't mine, and she never would be. It was wrong to be hugging her.

I put on another one of those pained smiles, then stepped away, out of the hug. "You're welcome, my Lady," I said in my best attempt at my usual cheeky voice. "Now, I have to go." Without even waiting for a farewell, I turned tail and ran just before she could see my real expression.

I would usually admire the lights of Paris, as I ran back home - one last glance at the beautiful outside world before going back behind the bar windows in my room - but this time it was different. I could hardly even see anything; my eyes were too watery.

Before I knew it, I was back in my room. "Plagg, claws in," I murmured in a muffled voice, too emotionally drained to speak normally.

As usual, on cue of my command, Plagg zipped out of my ring on my hand, and flew over to my bed. For once, the kwami actually looked somewhat worried about me. "Are you okay?" He answered in a soft voice, knowing I wouldn't be able to handle his teasing right now.

"I'm fine," I answered in a more firm voice than I originally intended. Plagg seemed a little taken back by my less than kind tone, but I didn't care at the moment. One thing kept ringing in my ears.

I will help you in any way I can, my Lady.

I couldn't handle it. I finally felt the satisfying feeling of warm tears rolling down my cheeks. I sunk to the floor; my legs were too weak to hold my body weight. "I will help you in any way I can, my Lady," I whispered, repeating the line that had been continuously going through my head, but it was actually more like I was talking to myself, commanding myself to do it.

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