A dark beginning

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???? POV:
I can't see anything.....

It's so dark.....

It's so hot.....

I feel dizzy....

I can't remember anything.....

My head feels heavy on my shoulders......

I open my eyes, to see metal bars in front of me. I move a little, and feel a tight pressure on my wrists and ankles. I gaze down at my feet, and see coarse brown rope binding my ankles to the smooth metal bars. I feel my hands in the same position, behind my back.

I divert my gaze to myself, and find that I'm dressed in a white v-neck, with a coal black jacket over the top, not buttoned up. I feel liquid running down my forehead, and wipe the sweat off with my shoulder. I feel so hot, and start to wonder what the hell I was thinking wearing a jacket in this heat. I slowly turn my head in all directions, taking in the red ugly material surrounding me. I feel like I know what the material is, but I shouldn't. I don't belong in this world, that much I know. I don't even remember my own name.

I shift to the left a little, and feel the small cage swing under my weight. Wait, the cage is swinging? That means... I look out the bars, but divert my gaze down, to see that I'm currently fifty feet off the ground. I gasp and panic, I'm deathly afraid of heights. I don't know how I know that, I can just feel it. Below my hanging cage, is a sea of hot, molten, flowing lava that, every few seconds, spurts upwards towards my cage in a pillar of flaming rock.

I stare straight ahead, and avoid all eye contact with the death that lies below. My breathing is short and laboured, and I can feel myself losing consciousness. I stare mindlessly off into the distance, and see another hanging cage not far off from mine. Staring into its hollow centre, I see a green figure slumped against the side, still unconscious. I focus my gaze, and try to make out the figures features. I see bright blue hair on top of the figure, and I start to see a black suit. A green head rests on the green neck of the strange figure, and it looks familiar.

I can't exactly pinpoint where I've seen the.....person before, but I feel a strong connection to them. The green face tilts upwards, and I watch with curiosity as they start to gaze around mindlessly like I was a few minutes ago. Their gaze finally rests on me, and they stop moving. I try to call out to them, but all that came out was a wheeze. I clear my throat and try to call out again.

"Hello? Hey over here!" I call out, realising that I am in fact, a male, don't know why I don't check that first.

"Hello?" A male British voice calls back.

I start to speak again, before I'm interrupted by a red flash of light in front of me. I squint at the sudden light, and look away.

"Well hello there gentlemen! Welcome to my humble home! I apologise for the...harsh treatment, I couldn't take any chances. I'm sure you must be feeling confused, something has triggered your memories to dissipate." A red figure explained.

"Ummm, forgive me for asking but, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHERE THE HELL ARE WE!" The British voice yelled out to the newcomer.

"Oh, how rude of me, you are in the nether, my home, and I, well, I'm the god of the nether, but you can call me.....Dianite"

Hey guys! How did you like the second chapter? I won't bore you with me writing any more that isn't the story, so onto chapter three!

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