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Tucker's POV:

13th of August 2015

Hey again, I'm still here. I haven't written in a week, a lot of stuff has been going down. For one thing, Sonja's two pet sheep Phillip and Ollie passed away three days ago, after they slipped off of the cliff near her house. It's been raining so it was really slippery. I had to comfort her for a few days because she was really upset, and I hate to see her upset...

On a side note, me and Sonja went on our first date! We went to the garden near mianites temple and it went great! Tom still hasn't come back yet, it's been a year...... everyone tells me he's not coming back.....they've all given up on him, but not me......I still wait for my best friend in the entire world to return.....I'm closest to him, and I'm not bragging about our friendship, but the others would agree with me when I say me and him were closest....... Everyone keeps telling me to move on, and stop waiting for him, but I can't.....that would mean I'm betraying him, giving up all hope.....

I still remember that day you know.....The day that me and Sonja were walking on the beach. We found Jordan lying on the sand, blood staining the sand, and his consciousness fading away....We took him to Dec's house, which he made in the side of a cliff. He's a doctor, and champwan is his apprentice. They patched him up, diagnosed him with five broken ribs and a broken nose. When he finally woke up, he didn't say anything for days. He ate the food we gave him, but when we asked him questions he only faintly nodded or shook his head, and that was only for yes or no questions. About a week after he woke up, dec showed all of us including him, the dolphin corpse he found in Jordan's boat. Upon seeing it, he burst into tears and started pulling his hair out, screaming "WHY?!" At the top of his lungs. We had to restrain him slightly, and then he stopped and blurted out everything.

His journey to find Ianite, his friend Wilson, the dolphin, and Tom.......and how Dianite possessed him.....and how he wasn't coming back..........oh god, I'm crying now, and trying not to get it on the page.....haha.....I know where he went, but at the same time I don't....he went far away, so he wouldn't hurt us.....I just know that's what he would do....he's an idiot, but a good one...... there's two graves in the lost pet graveyard I made....so that everyone could see them when they were sad....Jordan's going to bury Wilson tomorrow.....when he saw his house, and how we made it a carrot, he laughed. I'm glad he didn't get upset though. This was all one year ago though, so I should stop writing about it.....anyways, I need to go do the planting with Sonja, so bye for now.....


Hey guys! Just thought I would add a bit of tucker into the mix! This journal entry is written one year after Wilson died, just a reminder! Anyways I'll update on Monday!


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