Wedding crasher

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Dianites POV: hehe


"And you're sure you heard him say it?" I questioned him.

"Y-yes my lord! I n-needed to bring it to your attention....I didn't want a mutiny to occur..." my follower said with a shaking voice.

God he's pathetic

" that case.....we need to take action..." I mumbled.

"W-what are you going to d-do?" He asked.

"We need a change of scenery...we're moving..." I said grimly.

If he thinks he can overpower me....he's got another thing coming....after all, beneath that fiery exterior, he's still just a boy, who couldn't protect the ones he loved.

Toms POV:

I walked out of the nether portal in my base, still shaking after having to confront Dianite. I was terrified that he would kill me for messing up with Furia, but he was more interested in the fact that Furia declared he was the most powerful god. He seems to hate Dianite for some reason....but I don't know what that reason is yet....

I emptied my inventory into my chests, and sat on my bed, sighing.

I wonder if Furia will cause more problems in the future...

He seemed pretty intent on being the most powerful god....

Who knows? He may even challenge Dianite in a fight. Now that would be something to watch.

I shook myself awake, realising the significance of today. I checked the clock, and swore, jumping up off my bed quickly.

"Shit! I'm gonna be late! Crap! Oh my god I'm such a fucking spoon!" I yelled panicked.

I rummaged through my chests, time creeping up my shoulder like a creeper.

I finally found my suit, (my only decent one) and ran into my room to get changed. About twenty seconds later, I emerged, my suit wrinkled, and my tie on backwards. My hair was ruffled beyond what any brush could fix, and I realised I hadn't brought any shoes for today from the villagers at the colosseum.

I heard a teleporting sound from behind me, and turned, to see someone I really wasn't expecting.

"Ok look. Generally I don't help Dianite followers, but it's a very special day for mine, and they need you to be there for the ceremony. So you are NOT going looking like that!" Mianite sighed.

With a snap of his fingers, my suit was ironed out, my tie on properly, and my hair brushed neatly. I was also wearing a pair of black shoes.

He disappeared before I even got a chance to say thanks, or ask him if he would be there. I glanced at the clock again, and snapped back into the direness of the situation I was in. I ran through my vault, and exited, running out my front door with a speed pot in hand. I drank it as I ran, almost choking, and sped off towards the church. I ran through the desert, the sun beating down on me, and making me sweat profusely. I finally saw the church, and changed my direction slightly.

The doors were wide open, and I could see the people inside. My potion ran out just as I reached the entrance, and I puffed, my hands on my knees, in front of the reception.

"Tom. You barely made it. What kept you?" Asked Jordan, standing at the doors to the church welcoming everyone in.

"Business." I said regaining my breath.

"Ok then. For tucker sit on the left, for Sonja sit on the right. But you're the best man right? So go and stand beside the groom." He said gesturing towards the chairs lined up on either side of the aisle.

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