The secrets out

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Jordan's POV: don't kill me please! Tom will also be in this chapter! I know this story has a lot of jardon but hey, lev me lone....pls...

After the dinner party last night at Tucker's, I headed home to rest. I left a bit early compared to the others, as the medicine dec prescribed me with had some....side effects that made me tired easy.

Wilson didn't come with me to the dinner, so when I got home, he pounced on me and almost knocked me out on the hard wooden floor boards.

"Woah! Calm down Wilson!" I protested trying to get him off of me.

"RAWR!" Was all I got in response.

I eventually gave up trying to get him off of me, and just fell asleep on the floor....

I opened my eyes and breathed in fresh air. I was standing outside in the sun, and Wilson was playing in the grass on the hill.

Wait a minute....

Why am I here?...

Something feels....


"What feels different matey?" I heard a voice say behind me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to face the source. I saw capsize standing there, smiling brightly in the sunlight.

"C-Capsize?" I stuttered.

"Aye! What's the matter? Ye look like ye have seen a ghost!" She said coming to my front.

"I-I....I don't know.... just sorta lost my bearings I guess..."

"If ye say so!"

Capsize walked over to Wilson and pet him on the head, smiling.

I looked up into the sky, admiring the clouds.

I could hear a faint crackling sound from somewhere, but ignored it. I heard it again, and looked around for its source, but found nothing. I heard it again, but from under me, and looked down just as it happened. It seemed to happen in the span of three seconds.

First, the earth split in half, making a huge crevice.

Second, the sky turned the darkest shade of black.

Third, a fiery hell hole opened in the sky, and from it, came Furia, fireballs in hand.

I tried to warn capsize.

I tried to scream at her to run.

But it was too late...

Furia sent a flaming ball of molten lava her way, and she dodged with ease, looking up at Furia with a scowl. He grinned, and landed in front of her, sword in hand. His sword was made of flaming metal, with a dark black hilt, and a red stone embedded in the handle. He held it in his hands, twirling it and smirking.

Capsize grabbed a diamond sword of her own, and held it at the ready. I tried to run to her, to help, but I found that I couldn't move. Bedrock chains bound my ankles to the floor, and my wrists were held down with bedrock weights. I heard something from above me, and looked up to see Dianite coming down in front of me. I gasped in horror, and he smiled evilly.

With a click of his fingers I was forced into a kneeling position; burning hot chains bound my legs to the cobblestone path, disappearing far beneath the surface of the earth. I felt the hot metal burn through my clothes, and they started burning my flesh. I cried out in pain, as more chains were added to my back, forcing me to sit in a bowing position. I watched as Dianite disappeared, leaving me stuck in place.

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