Toms journals Part SEVEN

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Journal seven:

Today broke me..... I can't do this anymore.....him showing up was the thing that forced me to make the decision I've been avoiding for nine months mind is made up....

Today I was sitting in my obsidian cube, when I heard a voice from was the voice of a young boy, and his mother. They were calling out something repeatedly, but I couldn't hear what. Then I had a thought, it was getting close to night, and I hadn't fully patched up the I wait in the cube in hopes he doesn't make it to them, or do I quickly mine out and tell them to run?! I decided to warn them, so I grabbed my pick and started to mine out of my cube.

As I got closer to the outside, I started to hear more clearly what they were calling out:





I heard the full names they were calling out when I got within one metre of the outside.....


They were looking for the trader Dianite killed earlier.....they were going to find his grave sooner than later.....I couldn't let them see that.....

I mined out the rest and found them near a forest.....right next to his llamas......they pet them, and kept looking around them. I went up to them, and they asked if I'd seen the owner of the llamas. I had to lie to them......I couldn't let them know.....some might say it was cruel to prolong the truth, and keep their hopes up....but it just came out of my mouth before I had a chance to say anything.....Dianite had controlled my voice....he told them that he had gone on a boat out to sea.....they thanked me and asked if I'd like to have any of their trading items on the house....the lie was already said, and Dianite had stopped controlling my voice.... I asked if they had any red stone, pistons, a wooden pressure plate, and bedrock spikes. They had all but the pressure plate, but I could make that out of the trees nearby. They took the llamas and left, leaving me feeling like a monster who killed their loved one. I still remember the look in the little boys eyes.....

They were full of hope, and when Dianite said he was still alive, his little innocent face lit up like a lightbulb. His smile when Dianite lied to them was so genuine and cute.....and I murdered his father.....I'm the devils puppet......and I'm forced to watch his impact on the lives around him.....but it's my hands that control it......I need to fix this, even if it means k—————- m———-

Later ya sausages....

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