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Jordan's POV:

Come to me my hero....

We're almost out of time....

You must save me....

And defeat my brother....

Before it is too late....

"My lady?!!! Is that you??!" I cried, in the void of darkness that was my dreamscape.


For a short time each day, I can send my limited power to you, in the form of my voice.

What do you plan to do as of tomorrow?

"My lady...we plan to venture out to your home town, ianarea, to hopefully revive your soul for a short time...skipper retrieved your heart from a secret passage in Dianites temple. Hopefully we can use it to bring you back..." I said to her.

Yes. That would be good. And this Tom fellow. You're sure we can trust him?

"I'm not sure...but if he gets out of line I'll deal with him..."

Then it shall be. Good luck my champion.

"Thank you my lady..."

Everything went dark once more, and then I woke, gasping for breath that I didn't think I had. I rubbed my eyes, before gazing at the calendar on my wall. Today's date was marked with a red circle, labelled #savemylady.

I groaned, worries and panicked thoughts entering my mind like the floodgates of bad thoughts had just opened for the first time in years. Standing wearily, I grabbed my clothes from my drawers, and headed into my bathroom to get changed.

Even after having a shower, the nerves still fluttered around inside me, like little poisonous butterflies. I shivered, the feeling of being watched crawling up my spine. Today, I was going to meet my lady for the first time, revive her with her heart, and find out how we're going to rescue her. It was nerve racking. What if she met me and thought I was weak? Or puny? The possibilities flooded my mind.

A vibration from the desk nearby shocked me back to reality. I peered over, and saw a red notification, meaning Tom sent me a message. I grabbed it, and read toms horrible sentence structure.

Hey! Boat now! We heading to da place in a few! Hurry ass you spoon!

I sighed, before walking out my front door. The cool crisp air greeted me, and I shoved my hands in my pockets. I strolled along the cobble path, trying to stall as much as I could. I tried fixing a few hedges on the way, but it was no use. My morals forbade me from being anything but early. I sighed, walking towards the boat. The white sails stuck out against the blue water surrounding it, and aboard I could see everyone else, except the one person I longed to see most.

A tear shed from my left eye, soon followed by another from my right, until a steady stream of tears flowed freely down my face. No emotion came with the tears, and I wiped them away with the sleeve of my jacket, leaving my eyes and face sticky. I came to the edge of the dock, and looked up at skipper, who was extending the ladder for me to climb aboard.

I leapt across, grasping the rung firmly with both hands. I reached up, grabbing the one above, and planting my feet on the bottom rung. Steadily, I climbed the wooden ladder, no splinters protruding from the smooth bars, thanks to tucker, Tom, and skippers handy work. Skipper extended a hand to me, which I took with my right hand. He hauled me onto the deck, and I steadied myself on the wooden boards.

Tom smiled at me from the bench across the deck, and Sonja gave me a look of sympathy, having noticed my slightly red face. I smiled back, glad to still have the friends I trusted most here with me. Twisted guy stood to skippers left, his face covered in oil and dust, so I assumed he had been working down below in the engine room.

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