Two captains, one Tom

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Toms POV:

My plan was in motion. Operation Captain Capsparklez was a go! Or maybe captain sparklesize? I don't even know....

What I do know, is that the only way to get sparklez to confess, is by making him jealous. Jealousy is often the answer to everything...especially love related things...

I made an alarm clock last night for this very plan, so if I did it right......


I awoke with a start upon hearing my clock, and sprung out of the covers with a spring in my step. I quickly got ready, and ran full speed towards the coast. When I got there, I noticed that the pirates hadn't arrived yet.


I took the sheet off of the hull that I finished earlier, and grabbed the planks from beside it. I quickly grabbed my diamond axe and went to the nearest forest, chopping down trees like a madman, and when I was convinced I had enough, I ran back at the speed of light. Using my sword, I carved the logs into cylinders, earning a few splinters that I couldn't bother to remove, and nailed them together, before attaching the post to the ship. only the mast, and waterproofing left to go...

There was no way in hell that I'd be able to make a giant mast just from the wool of one sheep, so I reluctantly grabbed my shears, and prepared myself for my least favourite activity....


I was never really good at it....and neither was tucker....Jordan, Sonja, and waglington were the only ones that were really good at it, and Sonja was the very best.

Well, shit...

I'm never going to get this done in time if I don't have a professional helping me.....

So, it was with a reluctant heart, that I sulked over to the house on the mountain, and knocked on the door, of the house that belonged to the one person on the island that hated me most...

Sonja opened the door, rubbing her tired eyes, and upon seeing me waving awkwardly, she sighed and groaned.

"Hey....." I started.

"Hello." She said blankly.

"So, you doing?"

"What do you want Tom?" She said straight to the point.

Ok, here we go.....should I tell her Jordan's secret? Or just ask for help? No she'll never help me then.....

"Jordan has a crush on capsize!" I blurted out.

Her eyes widened, her mouth almost dropping to the ground.




She made a high pitched scream, and dragged me inside, slamming the door behind her.

"Tell me everything!!!" She squealed excitedly.

"Ok ok!" I protested backing away from the love obsessed crazed lady.

"So, I need your help to make me the mast for the pirates new boat, so I can finish my community service for the day early. And then, I have a plan to get the two captains together! So, are you in?" I asked hopefully.

"Ok, yeah sure! Anything for Jordan!" She said standing.

My heart sunk a bit, seeing that she was only in it to help sparklez, which wasn't a surprise, but it still hurt...

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