Help arrives

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??? POV:

The red demon like creature called Dianite stood, no, floated in front of us. Two other flying cages had joined in with me and the weirdo sitting across from me.

"Again, WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING HERE AND WHO ARE WE! You still haven't answered any of the important questions!" I demanded.

"Ah, young Thomas, you need to be patient, your personality still doesn't waver." The demon said to me calmly.

So my name was Thomas? I didn't know whether to believe a word that came out of this bastards mouth, he did put us in cages for god sake.

"Wait so what are our names?" The girl that had joined us earlier asked.

"Well, I guess I could tell you that much. You each have two names, your real name and your hero name, which is the name you will be called by people who you aren't close to. Girl, your hero name is OMGItsfirefoxx, and your real name is Sonja. Green man, your hero name is SynHD, and your real name is Tom. Guy with the hat, your hero name is II_Jeriicho_II, and your real name is Tucker. Other one, your real name is Jordan, and your hero name is, well, ummm....CaptainSparklez.... with a z..."

We all burst out laughing at the mention of the one called Jordan having a hero name like captainsparklez. I even shed a few tears. The poor guy had his head down and looked real embarrassed, and I kinda felt bad for the dude. To have no memories and then find out your hero name is not what you expected. I stopped laughing, feeling guilty, and the others followed suit.

"Sorry Jordan...." I apologised.

He looked at me and smiled, seeming happy that we stopped.

"BROTHER! WHAT LIES HAVE YOU FED THEIR MINDS!" A loud voice boomed over the place called the nether.

"Crap" the one called Dianite said.

A white flash, then a god-like figure appeared behind Dianite. He was dressed in a white robe, with gold accents, and wore a gold wreath on his grey hair. He had a grey beard, and looked like a god straight out of a Roman history book. The complete opposite to the red demon that imprisoned us.

"Mianite, leave! They are already on my side of the war! All attempts to persuade them otherwise will be futile!" Dianite said sternly.

"By the way they are being treated, and the fact they are still in cages, I seriously doubt that."

Dianite growled under his breath, and small flames started to form in his palms. They grew bigger, to the size of fireballs, and he threw them at his supposed brother. Mianite dodged them easily, and lightning struck Dianite from above, which I assumed was Mianite's doing. Dianite fell to the lava sea below, yelling all the way down, until he hit the molten rock with a splash of fire. Mianite made a gesture with his hand, and our cages opened, as well as the ropes dissolving. I rubbed my wrists, and looked up at the god, as did the others.

"Apologies for the way you were treated heroes." He said, giving me a funny look as he said the last word.

"I will get you all to safety, in the overworld, where Dianite cannot go. He is banished to this foul place, and his heart is the blackest of black, the most evil heart in the known universe. He was trying to make you join his side and be his followers in the war between us. Thankfully I got here in time."

"How do we know you aren't lying to us and you are evil and he's not? Huh? Answer that!" I yelled.

I mean you can't blame me I know literally no one here so I don't trust anyone. Also, I had a bad feeling about this guy, like I shouldn't trust him. I felt better about Dianite, and I felt like I was connected to him in some way, but I couldn't explain it. Maybe I followed him as a god when I had memories? I had no idea, but I felt like I should trust my instincts.

"So, you feel it Tom? The connection? You followed me back before you lost your memories, I was your god. You loved chaos and destruction, and were respected and feared. Join me, and rule with me. Go with them, say nothing, and await further instructions." A voice in my head spoke.

I made my choice, I knew who to trust, I whispered under my breath,

"Yes lord Dianite...."

Hey guys me again! Hope you liked this chapter, I'll update within the next two days, and thankyou so much for the 12 people who read my story! It means a lot!

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