Medically unfit

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Herro! I decided to update early because I can. Fight me! Haha JK. I know there hasn't been much going on in these chapters, but it's leading up to something big. I can't just make Jordan all good again after what happened in the end, or else it would just be rushed. Stuff will happen soon! Give it maybe three or four more chapters! Thanks for understanding! Hope you enjoy!

Jordan's POV:

The soft rumble of Wilson snoring on my chest woke me from my slumber, and I opened my eyes to see him curled up on my chest sleeping soundly. I smiled, and pet his head, careful not to wake him.

"He hasn't moved for five hours you know." Said Declan from the laptop across from my bed, surprising me.

"Dec you scared me! Wait. I've been asleep five hours?" I asked.

"Yep. And that dragon hasn't moved once. Your condition is improving though. So you have a chance of getting discharged relatively unscathed from your recent.....incident in the end."

"Huh. So what exactly is wrong with me?"

"Well, did you hear Champwans list of your injuries beforehand?" He asked turning to me.


"So basically, there are some serious ones there, stopping you from being discharged, and some mediocre ones, which aren't a problem. The cuts all over you aren't stopping your discharge, because we've stopped the blood, and stitched them up. The concussion we diagnosed you with earlier wasn't as bad as we thought. So that's ok, you'll just have a headache. The broken bones and severe burns are the serious injuries. We've put you on almost a kilogram of painkillers, and a litre of anaesthetic on your burns, so you won't feel a thing, but it's pretty bad still." He explained.

"Shit.... how much longer do you think I'll have to stay in here?" I asked.

"Well, the burns will be ok with some burn cream, it'll just hurt like hell without painkillers. The fractured ankle and broken ribs, might take about three weeks, but that's with all the healing potions that waglington has given us to speed up the healing process. Although, I've been thinking about asking everyone something..."

"What?" I asked.

"If we could get a bone marrow sample from one of the islanders, I could extract some stem cells from it, and use it to help the bones grow back faster. The bone marrow needs to be compatible with yours though. Do I have your permission to ask for a donation?"

"Yeah go ahead!" I said without worry.

Dec nodded, and went back to his laptop. Wilson stirred, and drowsily opened his eyes with a yawn. He saw me awake, and roared happily.

"Haha morning buddy!" I said smiling and petting his head.

He closed his eyes, nuzzling into my hand, and started licking it. I laughed.

"Hey cut it out!" I said laughing.

I took a moment to look at myself, for the first time in a few days, and saw how bad I looked. My shirt was off, and bandages covered my chest. I brought a hand up to my neck, and felt the stitches lining my scar. I was still wearing my long black pants, which were covered in holes and rips, with bits of burnt fabric hanging off. My left ankle was in a cast, and was being held up by a few stands and braces. Dried blood caked my chest, and fresh blood was starting to seep through the bandages. Dec noticed the blood and came over with a new roll.

"I'm just gonna change your bandages and check the stitches ok? You want to go under for this?" He asked me.

"Nah I should be ok. Just be careful?"

"Always." He said.

He gestured for me to sit up, and I did so. He started unwrapping the old bandages, and when they were completely off, I noticed the extent of my wounds.

There were burns covering my entire chest, and stitches covering multiple deep cuts on my stomach, but they looked precise.

"Yeah, we had to rearrange some of your ribs to get them straight so we had to do surgery." Explained dec while he was grabbing a needle and thread from the table next to my bed.

I noticed one of the cuts was open, and bleeding heavily, because the stitches had come out. Dec grabbed the needle and thread, and asked me to lie down again. I did, and he started sewing up the cut again. Even though it hurt like hell, I kept quiet, and still so he wouldn't mess up.

"You know, I'm not stupid. I can tell you want to scream bloody murder. It's almost done though, so you won't have to keep up the charade for much longer." He said, stitching away.

"You are too smart for your own good, you know that?" I groaned.

"Yep. I know this." He said tying the last knot.

And just like that it was done. I swore as Declan put burn cream on my burns, and rubbed anaesthetic on my wounds. I sat up again as he wrapped the new bandages around my chest. Dec started to pack up his tools, and I laid back down.

"Hey, what's been going on while I was out?" I asked him.

"A lot actually. I had to go and be the judge for a trial yesterday so I had the computer keep your vitals up."

"Wait! Who's on trial?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh yeah you were in the end for the whole thing. Tom went on trial yesterday. While you were out he went to Dianite and told him that the pirates were here, and Dianite said for him to protect Furia and help him complete his goals. Furias goal was to kill the pirates, and when Tucker came across Tom and Furia they kidnapped him and tortured him. They told Sonja that if she didn't kill the pirates then they'd kill Tucker. Sonja had the bright idea to let tucker die, cause it was purge day, and he'd respawn. So he respawned and helped Sonja fight Furia. He ended up escaping cause he teleported, but Sonja and tucker caught Tom. Nade was his lawyer for the trial, so they said that Tom was being possessed by Dianite for the whole thing. Jury decided that he should have five weeks of community service helping the island with an ankle tracker. And that's where we are now." He explained.

"Holy shit! Didn't realise I missed that much! Do you believe Tom?" I exclaimed.

"Not sure...You know how he is..." he frowned.

Suddenly I heard a knock from the door to the hospital room. We both turned and Dec yelled for them to come in. I wasn't expecting Capsize to walk in at that moment.

"Hey!" I waved.

"Aye! Ye be awake sparklez! Priest! I saw yer message to everyone! I think I can be of service to ye." She said walking to Declan.

"Really?! That's awesome! Come with me! I need to run a few tests if that's ok?" Replied Dec grabbing his laptop.

"Aye, anything for a friend!" She said smiling at me.

"Jordan I'll be back in a bit, we may have a donor! Ring the buzzer if you need anything!" He said running out of the room.

Capsize followed him, leaving me all alone with Wilson in a hospital bed...

For everyone's sake I hope I can get out of here soon... Sounds like they need the peacekeeper more than ever....and since the battle between the two sides a year ago, that's the title I was given.... I need to get out of here fast....before someone gets hurt, or worse.....

Hey guys! Hope you liked! I'll update on Thursday! Byeeeeeeeeeeee!

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