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Hey! Decided to update early. Please read the end authors note thoroughly, after reading the chapter, and lemme know what you think!

Jordan's POV: I know I'll make it someone new soon don't hate me this is like the eighth time in a row😂

I awoke to a sharp pain in my side, as well as all my other injuries coming back to haunt me. I opened my eyes, and raised one hand to rub the sleep out of them. I carefully sat up where I laid, making sure to not hurt myself accidentally in doing so. Wilson wasn't on my bed like he normally was, and dec must've changed the covers on me, cause they were purple instead of white. Almost exactly like the ones I had at home...

I realised I wasn't connected to an IV, and scanned the room looking for the missing doctor. The room was different... the walls were no longer oak, but birch, and the layout of the room was different. There wasn't a curtain separating the door and the rest of the room, and as I looked deeper, more things were coming up different to me. It all seemed really familiar, but foreign at the same time. Almost like I've been here before, but completely forgotten that this place existed...

I pulled back the purple covers, Sonja made me for my birthday, and looked at myself. I was still in the white, black spotted hospital gown, and the medical band was still clipped around my wrist. I looked at the spruce bedside table beside me, noticing the sealed letter addressed to me leaning against a small lamp. I picked it up curiously, and gently broke the wax seal. I retrieved the letter from inside, and held it up to read.


Good news! The bone marrow transplant was a complete success! You might feel a pain in your side for a while though as a side effect. Now, you might notice you are no longer in the medical bay. I brought you back home, because you were well enough to be discharged! You were asleep and I figured it'd be easier to move you while you were out.

Now, I've put some new clothes are on your dresser, and I've replaced your bandages one last time. The bleeding should stop now anyway. Your items are in a chest in the basement. You can remove the bandages in three days, and come back to me in about a week, and I'll remove the stitches. I've put some burn cream on your dresser, as well as enough painkillers and antibiotics to last you a few weeks. Take two pills out of the large orange bottle every day before bed, and apply burn cream to your burns every morning, until all the medicine runs out. If necessary, come to me for more medicine and I'll gladly give you some more free of charge. If you encounter any problems come see me, and other than that, I think you are free to roam around and go about your business!

Just don't fight any more dragons or do anything that requires lots of energy for about a week or two, just to be safe. See you around!


P.S Wilson is downstairs. I wanted to let you get your sleep :)

I put the note down and looked around again.

How the crap did I not recognise my own room?! I guess I haven't been back here in a while...

I swung my legs over the bed, and stood up. I suddenly felt dizzy, and grabbed the bedside table for support. The nausea soon passed, and I grabbed the new clothes on the dresser, and went into my bathroom to get changed and shower. I headed down stairs after showering, which I hadn't done in a few days, and saw Wilson scratching at the front door. I coughed, and his head turned. With one leap he was upon me, licking my face despite my pleads for him to stop. I gently pushed him off of me, and stood once more, holding my ribs protectively. The small dragon followed me down to my basement, and watched in curiosity as I retrieved my items and tools from the chest dec put them in. Adjusting my red and black shades, I walked out the front door of my house, and emerged onto the cobblestone pathway leading down the mountain. The air was crisp and cool, and the sun was shining bright, casting a golden glow on the land below. Flowers dotted the grass, and the trees swayed gently in the slight breeze. It was a big step up from yesterday, when apparently, a blizzard had occurred. Patches of snow were starting to melt off the pathways, leaving a damp frosty look to the stone.

I walked along the path, enjoying being able to take in the islands beauty for once in a while, with nothing to disturb m-

"JARDON!!!!!" I heard a female voice cry out.

I was again knocked off my feet, my head bouncing on the soft grass, and I opened my eyes to see Sonja smiling down at me, her hoodie strings dangling above my face.

"SONJA! Let him go! You're probably hurting him!" I heard tucker yell from afar.

He came into my view as Sonja helped me up, and hugged me tight.

"Good to see you again dude!" He said patting my back with a friendly smile.

"And you!" I smiled back.

"Jordan we missed you! And you missed EVERYTHING!" Sonja cried.

"Yeah Tom and dec filled me in." I said.

"Wait. When did you see Tom?" Tucker asked.

"He came to visit me during the blizzard. Said the pirates let him off for one day." I explained.

"Well what do you know? The monster does have a heart!" He mocked.

"When we have him helping us he won't get off that easy!" Sonja exclaimed.

"Yeah..." Tucker mumbled.

What's up with him?

"Tucker you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine... hey sonj can I have a moment with sparklez?" He asked his girlfriend.

"Sure!" She said skipping away towards a random spider.

"What's up?" I asked.

Tucker looked really lost in thought, and I was worried. What if he was in trouble?

"Listen... it's Sonja's and my one year anniversary, and I was away for the day... I had something planned, but I was kidnapped... so could you keep Sonja busy tomorrow while I get Tom to help set up a surprise for her?" He asked.

"Oh! Yeah sure! Happy anniversary! I've got to get you guys a gift!" I exclaimed in relief that it wasn't anything bad.

"Haha thanks... I'm a bit nervous actually..."

"Why?" I asked cocking my head slightly.

"Because I'm planning.... to propose to her..."

Hey guys! Hope you liked! Now listen Linda listen, I know that irl Tucker and Sonja aren't together any more, and they  mutually broke up in 2016. I know all the jazz. But for the sake of the story line I wanted to make it happy! Sorry if you guys are going to get offended by this or unhappy, and if everyone doesn't want it, I'll gladly change the storyline for you guys! 😊I've just been planning this for a while but yeah. I'll update on Thursday! BYEEEEEEEEEE!

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