A visitor, and a new hope

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Toms POV:

I opened my eyes groggily to the feeling of a soft pillow under my head, and a warm blanket covering me, which was a nice change from the cold concrete and chains of the trial cage. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, glancing at my bedroom. It had been a while since I was here last...

I crashed after me and nade got home last night. I looked on my bedside table, to see an envelope with a red wax seal, addressed to me.

I carefully opened it and retrieved the letter inside.


You crashed hard when we got home last night so I let myself out. The pirates want you at their skull base by 12 today. They want to start you on your work immediately. I'll see you later dude.


Nade actually had pretty nice handwriting...I glanced at the black alarm clock on my timber table, and groaned as I realised it was quarter to ten.

I pulled back the covers of my bed, and swung my feet over. Feeling the cold metal cuff around my ankle, I was reminded of my limit to freedom when I wasn't doing community service. It was cold in my fortress, and frost layered the window panes. This was very confusing, seeing as it was summer...

I stood up, running my fingers through my hair, and walked over to the window closest to me. Placing my hands on the frosted glass, I shivered from the cold, and pressed against it. I struggled to open the window, as it was frozen shut. I stepped back, and put my right shoulder in front of me, then ran at full speed against the window. I felt it give way and open, and I smiled. My grin immediately dropped when I realised that my momentum wasn't stopped by the window, and the next thing I knew I was falling out of my fortress window, and the snow covered ground was approaching rapidly.

I screamed like a girl, and closed my eyes as I hit the snow with a loud thud. I was surprised I wasn't dead from the impact. The snow was thicker than I thought. I stood up in the little Tom sized hole in the snow, and it was so thick that it was up to my neck.

I placed my hands on either side of the hole, and pushed down, trying to lift myself out of the hole, but my arms went straight through the snow and sunk down. I started to dig my way out, and I finally had enough room to climb out onto my porch. I stood up, and shivered. It was really cold. My fingers were numb from digging in the snow, and my skin burnt from frostbite. I hugged myself and started walking to the pirates base, trying to avoid slipping on the ice.

It was 45 degrees yesterday for Dianites sake! What the fuck is with this weather?!

I finally reached the skull in the side of the mountain, and hurried inside. The mouth of the skull was the door, so the crisp cold air was rushing through with ease. I looked around, but saw no trace of the pirates.

"Skipper?" I called out, hearing my voice echo throughout the cave.

"We be down here Matey!" I heard him call back.

I followed the source of the voice, climbing down the ladders towards a small green square in the ground surrounded by quartz blocks. Skipper and Earl huddled there trying to keep warm, and I joined them.

"S-So? What do y-you want m-me to do?" I stuttered, puffs of my breath visible in the air.

"Matey, it be too cold for what we had planned for ye. Go home and take shelter in the warmth." He said shivering.

"O-Ok. Where's C-Capsize?" I asked.

"She be visiting sparklez in the medical wing. Ye should go check on him when ye get the chance!" He said.

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