I was too late.....

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Tucker's POV:

Today was the day. The day Sonja finally let me go out looking for Tom. I was excited, and full of hope, but Sonja told me not to get my hopes up, and that I might not like what I find. Yesterday I got a message from toms communicator, that had a bunch of random letters and numbers, so he must have accidentally texted me. Jordan, being the red stone genius that he was, tracked down toms location, and uploaded the coordinates to my communicator. Sonja heckled me all day, asking if I had enough of everything to last me the trip. I assured her that I did, I wasn't going to make the same mistake Jordan did.

I stood on the beach next to my boat. Sonja was waving me off. She shuffled her feet and twiddled her thumbs nervously, waiting for me to go. I walked up to her and gave her a long kiss.

"I'll come back, I promise..."

"I know....I love you tucker..."

"I love you too"

We hugged for what seemed like years, then I set off. I waved to her until she was out of my vision, then started to sail away....

Eight days later:

I'm starting to understand why Jordan went crazy...there's nothing out here... just ocean. There's no fish or land or anything! Just water. My communicator map said that I was three hundred blocks away from my destination, so I'd get there in about ten minutes.

Ten minutes later:

I start to see the faint silhouette of an island in the distance, and my smile lifts. He was here... the broken trees and chipped rocks were an indication of that. Also, Tom left his boat by the side of the island, the idiot. I docked my boat beside his old one, and got my stuff that I might need. Sonja told me to carry some zombie repellent in case he turned on me. I looked at it sitting in my bag, and could feel Sonja's eyes burning into the back of my head. I saw her angry face inside my mind, which was more cute and pouty, than angry. I smiled, and grabbed the repellent. I wasn't gonna use it, but if I came back half dead, I could say I had it on me.

I zoomed in on my map, and saw it was twenty blocks in front of me. I looked back up, and saw obsidian directly in front of me. I tried to look around it, but couldn't. I stepped back, and realised that it was a hundred by hundred metre cube of obsidian, and my X-ray feature on my map said it was all completely solid, apart from a two by two metre area in the centre. I was glad I brought my diamond pick.

I started to mine away at the solid block of obsidian, when I saw a bit of a chest poking out of it. I mined carefully around it, and opened it up. Inside were ten books, each labelled part one, part two etc. I pocketed the books, and kept mining. I'd read them later, I had more important things to do, like finding my friend....

After about two hours of mining through the obsidian, I finally came two metres away from the small two by two metre area. I mined like a madman until I saw a small hole leading into the area. I saw a small bit of green, and a bit of red, which was probably his tie. Smiling widely, I mined and mined with my eyes closed, straining my arms, and mined away until I could fit through the hole. I stepped inside the area, and looked up. Smiling, I looked at the green figure that was my friend. My vision focused more, and the smile dropped from my face at an alarming speed.


So much blood......

Hey guys! When I say cliff! You say hanger! Cliff!

I'm assuming you said hanger. If not I'm going to be very disappointed in you...

Haha jk! Anyways I'll update on Tuesday!

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