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Hey guys! I decided to update early again because I'm on an authors high. Basically tons of ideas for chapters are flooding my head, and I want to write them down so I don't forget, and they turn into chapters! Hope you enjoy!

Jordan's POV:



Dizzy.....So dizzy.....

Where am I? Did we make it to the end? Is this it? Just blackness? I hear voices......

"Matey! Are ye ok there? Get yer face off the ground!" Someone yelled.

I shifted around, and felt something hard and rough pressing against my body. I opened my eyes, and saw rough, sandy coloured stone like material beneath me. A hand entered my vision from the left, and waved around.

"Get off the ground matey we got a beast to fight!" Said the person I heard before.

Suddenly I felt myself floating upwards, and I blinked what felt like dust out of my eyes. My vision cleared, and I saw myself clearly. I glanced around, and saw waglington and earl holding me up underneath my arms, and skipper in front of me with his arms crossed.

"Uhh my head....What happened?" I groaned.

"Well Matey, we emerged from the portal, and when we got here it wasn't here. Then you turned to jelly and fell over! Ye just laid there lazing around!" Explained skipper.

"Sorry guys.....I just feel really dizzy.....Can I sit down for a sec?"

"Sure Jordan, you ok?" Asked wag setting me down against a wall.

"Yeah just a bit out of it...Thanks."

"All good. Take all the time you need." He said.

As if on cue, a thundering roar echoed out from outside of the little cave we were in. I shuddered at the sudden sound.

"Uhhh actually if you could hurry it up that would also be appreciated!" Said wag worriedly.

"Ahem! Any one of yee landlubbers got a pick?! Do yee have those here?!" Asked earl.

"Yeah I brought a bunch of iron ones. Haven't found diamond yet." I said pulling out five iron picks.

Each of the pirates took one, and wag as well. While I regained my bearings they started hacking away at the end stone around us, going slowly upwards. My head felt heavy and like it was going to fall off my shoulders. After about three or so minutes, I stood up and went to help the others, although they weren't far from the surface. A hole emerged, and we mined and pulled away the rocks around it. One by one we climbed up the hole, and I went last. When I climbed to the surface, I saw that the end was not a massive endless plain like the nether, but an island. A big one, floating in an endless black void. As I was looking around, I noticed it was made of end stone, with giant obsidian towers dotted around it. The towers had something bright on top of them, but from all the way down on the ground, I couldn't make it out. Endermen were everywhere!

But where was the beast?

I looked at the others; they were all gaping up at the sky with open mouths and wide eyes. I followed their gaze, and saw what they were looking at.

A dragon, about as big as two pirate ships was flying directly above us. It's wings were massive, and it's eyes were a bright luminescent purple. It's pupils were white, and it's eyes were gazing at us with malicious intent. It's wings had white frames, and purplish black insides. It's skin was black as the void around us, and it's teeth were almost pure white, and as sharp as swords. It breathed a purple stream of fire, collecting energy from the bright things on the towers. It was exactly like skippers description.

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